
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Also why the seemingly arbitrary graduations, 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds. If it was say 10 hours in a day, 100 minutes in an hour, 100 seconds in a minute, seconds would be close to the same amount of time. Same with latitude and longitude, why 360 degrees in a circle with 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I recognized the tug part right off. That's a lot of custom bodywork. These days they just CG stuff like that. Back then they actually had to make props. Sometimes they did a pretty poor job, but that one is high end. I'm actually old enough to have seen that show, but I don't remember ever watching it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Nuclear power is actually the cleanest way to produce energy. The waste from replacing solar panels and windmills (which have a service life only three to five years) is actually more of a problem than the waste from spent fuel rods. Plus environmental impacts from fuel rod production are less than solar panel and windmill production. The problem with nuclear energy happens when things go wrong. It would have to be absolutely accident free. It never has been and never will be.

Though they're on the right track with nuclear power. Fusion would be ideal, runs on seawater (fuses deuterium/tritium) and if there's a problem you simply shut off the fuel. Problem is insurmountable engineering issues, we just don't have tech for it yet (need anti-gravity). They've been working on it for many decades and progress has been painfully slow.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Aside from any moral or political views, it amuses me when people do criminal acts and fail to realize police can inspect personal data like text messages, email, and social media. I think people smart enough to realize that are smart enough to avoid committing a crime in the first place. Though there are smart criminals that get away with it, you just don't hear about them because they don't get caught. In any case I tend to think being stupid is prerequisite to being a criminal.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This is how the tried and true agenda goes using Meta's threads.net and the Fediverse as an example.

  • Meta's site gets wildly popular because of corporate backing
  • Meta's site does something on purpose to cause poor operability with the rest of the Fediverse
  • People not on Meta's site can no longer properly communicate with people on Meta's site, they go to Meta's site
  • The Fediverse gets fractured and nobody cares because everyone is on Meta's site
  • Meta's site is the sole survivor and the rest of the platform dies.
  • Meta enshitifies their site as corporations typically do (think Twitter)

So yeah, ban the shit out of them. The proper term is defederate them, but do it with extreme prejudice.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

So Meta is up and running now on threads.net, news to me. Hell yeah, ban the crap out of them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Haha man, as the wise philosopher Pauly Shore once said, "dude, you're harshing my mellow." So yeah we don't want those guys doing that to us.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

That guy was a backyard inventor and charlatan, like those 19th century backyard aircraft inventors. It's one thing to take yourself out of the gene pool through your own recklessness, it's another to take others with you.

Rush bypassed over a hundred years of engineering lessons learned the hard way with the rationale it stifles innovation. He even fired and sued one of his own employees for calling him out on it. The sub had zero certifications and then he lied to customers about it saying his designs were approved by NASA and Boeing who never even heard of the guy.

Aside from the lack of safety engineering and lack of proper fail-safes in his design, there's a reason engineers don't use carbon fiber composites in subs. They have a tendency to delaminate. When used in aircraft, composites have to be examined and certified at a regular service interval with special inspection equipment.

I think that sub was an accident waiting to happen from day one. The hull probably failed due to inspection negligence and a failure to detect delamination. That's even if the hull could have been rated properly for 4km. If it wasn't the hull, it would been one of the other jury-rigged systems.

I can't believe people smart enough to acquire the wealth for that excursion weren't smart enough to check out the qualifications of the company hosting it. I think it was plainly obvious just looking at the sub yourself. A navigation system that consists of a consumer laptop PC and Logitech gaming controller should have been a dead giveaway.