I'm betting you're right. Hopefully they can crack that last inch holding us back from some sweet ass fusion power, or some kind of cancer+everything else miracle cure...
The pictures look cool anyway.
I'm betting you're right. Hopefully they can crack that last inch holding us back from some sweet ass fusion power, or some kind of cancer+everything else miracle cure...
The pictures look cool anyway.
I feel among friends...
Their idea is that is hides all the user info from advertising companies. Downside is your browser is an ad slot machine.
Which is best?
Tracked or ad machine?
I'm more surprised people aren't talking about the fact that since it's running on the client side, someone would just figure out a way to hack and block all the ads even easier.
set companies = {"only_care_about":"money"}
Chrome is pretty much the defacto standard for web. If it works with chrome, you're probably safe.
Now that's more upbeat. Good call.
I'll have to go see if they're doing anything cool with it, it just trying to fix male pattern baldness. I'm thinking of an Idiocracy reference...
apple hater
Nah, I'm indifferent. They're just another company. I did forget about the chips they're working on. That's a big/expensive investment.
Google is trying that with the tensor. Not hearing a huge roar about that either.
I was thinking more enterprise with MS.
I think the new way to search the web is LLMs, but still probably relies on their respective indexer.
I bet they make so much money too...
Overpaid lawyer 1: Fight this or settle?
Overpaid lawyer 2: Let's fight this, I have a good feeling about it...
Overpaid lawyer 1: This won't set a precedent or anything right...right...
Sorr, but I love the double sided hypocrisy here.
Here's a chatbot instead of a person, listen to it since we won't take your calls. But, we don't honor what is says!
Thanks Canadian court for giving us a rare middle finger to the business.
Don't cheat yourself just because there are douches that take advantage...
I enjoy these threads. I have noticed people really hate two themes here: (1) internet censorship, and (2) people screwing with their porn :)
(I'm not a pornhub user, nor advocating for the internet censorship nonsense, just a devils advocate question for fun)
Pretend for a second it was reasonably feasible to enforce this, so I'm asking you to forget how the internet/VPNs/tons of options work :)
If a site like pornhub 'PROMISED' to not log any user data under threat of death, but all they did was run a query against some government database that verifies age >= 18, would you do it?
Also, the government database 'PROMISES' to not log the source of the age only verification queries, would you do it?
So, if you say no, is it because you believe there's no way each of those organizations would keep their word or something else?