
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 20 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

Please leave some internet for the rest of us!

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago

No one will bother you, if you take some fruits from a branch over the sidewalk. Especially in urban areas like the city centre. Still, legally it belongs to the tree owner.

In the countryside, it may get you in arguments if you take fruits from one's overgrown tree. But in the countryside there are plenty of abandoned or wild trees far away from houses, where you can pick all sorts of fruit.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago (2 children)

In Germany at least, he is right from a legal point of view. All fruits on the tree belong to the owner of the tree. In reality probably no one cares if you take a bunch of apples.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I think normally they are made with mesh not transparent hard plastics. If you can speak of normal at all when it comes to cat backpacks. :D

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Preparing that yourself or are there places where you can buy pickled watermelon?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (7 children)

Fruity beer is also common in Belgium. It's not mixed with juice but is already flavored in the bottle as you buy it. And yes, it's delicious. Kriek for instance is a pretty famous cherry flavored beer.

Also non-alcaholic beer mixed with juice is a pretty decent drink after sports. The slight bitterness and the bubbles makes it really refreshing on hot days.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 days ago (1 children)

As sudo applies only for a single command, removing the cover is more like su, no?

sudo would be more if above every covered button there was a tiny hole through which you could push it with a needle or so.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (6 children)

I have 'night mode' and 'extra dark' in my quick settings right below the slider. If I can get rid of one or both with an updated slider that'd be a great improvement. Never understood why smartphones are so super bright by default.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 5 days ago (1 children)

But it would take a long time to open each packet and spray it on the fire.

  1. Lay the Capri Suns in the ground next to the fire
  2. Get another semi truck
  3. Drive over the packets to squish out the liquid onto the fire
  4. If the additional semi truck catches fire as well, repeat from step 1
[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

And do people also buy these non-alcaholic versions then or are they barely available in stores? If they really offer the alternative and at least some people switch to them, I'd still consider it a win.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Does anyone know how they define junk food in that guideline? Is it based on calories / fat / sugar? Or do they have a specific list of products that are now forbidden in ads? Or a list of companies? Does the ban include product placements (like a kids movie where a family goes to McD? What about 'normal' content about fast food (like SpongeBob making krabby burgers)?

I really appreciate the law but I think it can be quite challenging to draw the line between legal and illegal.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I vividly remember pushing my parents to go McDonald's after I saw an advertisement with the newest Happy Meal toys. I wanted the toy in the first place, the food tasted good as a kid but even then not amazing. I think ads do have a huge influence on which toys and which food kids ask for.


Hallo zusammen,

als ich eben auf der Seite der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung unterwegs war, bin ich auf die verlinkte Stellenanzeige gestoßen. Das gesuchte Profil fand ich dabei ziemlich verwunderlich:

Momentan suchen wir junge Menschen, die zu den Landtagswahl in Thüringen oder Brandenburg wahlberechtigt sind, am Wahltag nicht älter als 26 Jahre sind und Lust haben in einem dreitägigen Workshop die Thesen für den Wahl-O-Mat zur entwickeln.

Der Wahl-O-Mat ist aus meiner Erfahrung im Bekanntenkreis ein wichtiges Instrument zum Treffen einer Wahlentscheidung. Wenn in der Redaktion dieses öffentlichen Tools jetzt vornehmlich junge Leute sitzen, führt dies nicht automatisch zu einem gewissen Bias? Wäre es nicht wichtig, bei einem Tool, das von verschiedensten Altersgruppen genutzt wird, auch Perspektiven aus allen Teilen der Gesellschaft einfließen zu lassen? Bei U26 sind Themen wie Bildung, Klimawandel usw. sicher näher am eigenen Leben als bspw. Rente, Barrierefreiheit oder Immobilienthemen. Werden dann nicht schon unbewusst entsprechende Schwerpunkte auf die eigenen Themenbereiche gesetzt?

Ich bin selbst noch recht jung und würde mich auch politisch als ziemlich links einstufen. Eine überproportional junge Redaktion arbeitet also höchstwahrscheinlich zu meinen Gunsten. So wirklich demokratisch erscheint mir das aber ehrlich gesagt nicht.

Und selbst abgesehen von demokratischen Bedenken, finde ich das auch in Bezug auf das allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (Altersdiskriminierung) schwierig.

Wie sehr ihr das? Kennt jemand Hintergründe oder war sogar schon mal in der Redaktion dabei?

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