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[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

At the extremes one is, as far as our technology allows, irreplaceable as a carbon neutral fuel. That being SAF. The other other viable alternatives even today. Why are you presenting a scenario where both would be needed to be created in equal measures?

So what if they can both come from the same feedstocks? There will be a day we likely don't need diesel in any capacity. We'll need SAF long before that. Why would we divert the valuable carbon neutral feedstocks to something like biodiesel if our goal is carbon neutrality for both?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

It doesn’t really matter whether you’re producing biodiesel or SAF; it’s a slightly different length of carbon chain coming out of the refinery.

The difference isn't the slight variation in chemical structure of the molecule between the two products, its the drastic difference in the applicable use case of the resulting product, and the economic incentives to produce one vs the other. These are what make the SAF and biodiesel gigantically different product with hugely different economic, climate and geopolitical implications.

No amount of B5, B20 or B100 grades of biodiesel are going to enable carbon neutral air travel where SAF can. However, alternate fuels or methods of ground transportation can offset or replace diesel or biodiesel. With today's technology only a number of small electric prop planes (certainly no commercial jets) can operate with anything close to carbon neutrality without SAF. Commercial aviation is a reality in our world and we can choose to find carbon neutral alternatives or embrace its carbon rich nature and try to make drastic carbon cuts elsewhere. I believe the latter is much less likely than the former. Alternatively we can simply turn a blind eye to our climate and reap the consequences. I'm not ready to throw in the towel and embrace that yet.

The same problem of competing with food is there because that’s where you’re sourcing carbon and hydrogen from.

Even if a portion of input feedstocks that go into producing SAF today are food or competing with food, how are you holding the position that municipal waste, used cooking oil, and agricultural waste are sources of food? I've posted sources that show the alternates available and possibly upcoming that would enable more non-virgin SAF. Are you holding the position that humanity will simply never achieve anything except fossil based fuel for aviation or something else I haven't understood of your position yet?

Further yet, what is the connection you're making a food supply with regard to hydrogen? Are you referring to fertilizer?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

First, that is a great link. I don't follow biodiesel efforts very closely and always appreciate the data from a real world execution perspective.

That said, while the article contains a number of criticisms you're pointing out, the article is mostly focused on biodiesel and not necessarily SAF, and even less applicability to California where the majority of North American SAF is produced. The article even called this out with the distinction that biofuels (SAF in this case) from virgin feedstocks doesn't qualify for the Low Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS) laws in California that make SAF economically viable. Meaning there is far lower incentive to try to produce SAF from virgin feedstocks, which I believe is your primary criticism of SAF.

"Additionally, the Producer’s Tax Credit, coupled with the California LCFS, will heighten the demand for lower carbon-intensity feedstocks like tallow, UCO, and corn oil. Under the LCFS, west-coast market demand is stronger for feedstocks that provide greater carbon-emission reductions than virgin vegetable oils like canola and soybean oil. These policies will continue to pull available global feedstocks into the California renewable diesel market, and boost U.S. import demand for feedstocks that make lower carbon-intensity biofuels that generate additional credits in the California market."

from your provided source

The other point your article highlighted was the bottleneck to using less virgin sources was the need to increase the non-virgin sources of feedstocks. As in, the market is demanding more biofuel from non-virgin feedstock than can supplied. This is important as it goes back to the work identifying and introducing further non-virgin feedstocks that I linked in my other post on this topic here.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Food. Food oils in particular.

While certainly possible technologically, for the main efforts in North America you are incorrect on the use of food (meaning something humans can eat) for SAF.

The largest producer of SAF in the USA is in California (and partially fuels LAX airport, BTW). This operation is using waste from other processes and not food that would otherwise be eaten.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That is a very important question. SAF is a name for a bunch of different fuels produced from sustainable sources. I posted a larger reply to the main article that details some of the input feedstocks which answers your question here.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I'll preface this by saying that SAF by itself isn't a silver bullet that solves all problems with carbon use in aviation. It can, however, be an important piece of a larger solution. Additionally, even in isolation without a larger plan it has a net benefit on carbon reduction which is a win in the battle against climate change.

The basic problem is that “sustainable” aviation fuels, if based on biofuels, would substantially compete with food production.

Certainly possibly, but not absolutely.

Virgin feedstocks (the stuff needed to feed in to make SAF) would support your position because the plants grown specifically for harvest to be turned into SAF would displace food crops, or possibly support destruction of other non-agricultrual land to grow net more crops. I agree with you that both of these situations would be a net negative to SAF.

However, virgin feedstocks aren't the only nor even most desired feedstocks for SAF. There are many ways to produce the fuels that fall into the definition of SAF. Things that we would otherwise consider waste streams can be SAF feedstocks such as the following:


There are other pathyways being explored too such as the waste water runoff from dairy farms and beer breweries:

"To that end, the Argonne Lab scientists look to using carbon-rich wastewater from dairy farms (and breweries, for other reasons) as feedstock for SAF production. The study author at Argonne, Taemin Kim, said that the energy savings come in two ways. “Both [dairy farms' and breweries'] wastewater streams are rich in organics, and it is carbon-intensive to treat them using traditional wastewater treatment methods. By using our technology, we are not only treating these waste streams, but [also] making low-carbon sustainable fuel for the aviation industry.”"


Unless we as a global society choose to simply eliminate air travel for people and cargo, we have to accept that a better approach to energy used for air travel is needed to meet reality. SAF is an important part of that in my mind.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (12 children)

Yes, I'm one.

Like most things, not one thing will fix a problem. SAF is one piece that measurable makes our situation better. The fact you can possibly fly on a plane today partially with SAF is an amazing achievement and the result of lots of hard work by lots of people trying to make a positive difference.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago


Thank you for that.

Its odd calling LFP "new" and "a change is coming". The first production EV to ship in the USA with an LFP was in late 2021 I think.

I would have thought this might be talking about cheaper chemistry Sodium Ion batteries, which are already on the road in small quantities in China.


This company is working to produce a machine that produces methane from waste electricity, water, and atmospheric air.

I searched for this company and only found a few references from several years ago.

I'm always skeptical of these bold claims, and my skepticism for something useful is still here with this company.

That said, from all of their public press and their description of their approach and goals, there could be something here. Time will tell.

The most important aspect of their approach is that they make no claim of this being energy efficient. Quite the opposite. They say it takes about 300% more energy input into their process than results from the energy in the methane that comes out.

Why this still looks like a possible viable path, is that they are building this to consume overproduced electricity that cannot otherwise be used or stored. As in, put it at a solar farm where the utility is rejecting more energy at the height of a sunny day (because of overcapacity).

I like how they've broken the technological challenges down into three main parts:

  • input CO2 source
  • input H2 source
  • methane formation step.

Further, they're building out their product to ship on container skids, so deployment (or redeployment) doesn't have the same permanent infrastructure requirements a virgin build might (such as pouring concrete, etc). They also claim to not require any exotic materials for any of their steps.

Lastly, what give me the most confidence is in April 2024 they have already built a working prototype of their tech and produced synthetic methane from it and sold it to a utility company! I fully recognize that have a working prototype doesn't mean that that their approach can scale to anything useful, but I give them credit for recognizing the shortcomings of their approach while still producing a prototype that does what it claims to do: Produce methane from waste electricity, water, and atmospheric air.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

I've seen this in the USA too. A local water co-op put a 1.2MW array floating on top of one the municipal water reservoirs. Along with carport and building PV arrays, they offsets 50% of the electricity consumed by the facility.

Their floating array also offsets some water lost to evaporation, but its too early for measurable numbers on that front so far.

PDF source