SCEE is described as StreetComplete for advanced users. Does anyone have experience with this?
You don't watch other shows. You start over with Star Trek.
Discovery had it's moments.
From a Star Trek universe perspective it hit way too many lows, though. This is just my opinion, of course. I found it hard to sit through some episodes. The actors are generally great, but there is too much cheap dialogue (listen to some of the Season 2 and 3 "Picard" dialogue in comparison!), underdeveloped characters, statements like the above that were written without even considering how they might age... well, this was discussed ad nauseam in many places, so I'll stop the rant before it starts.
Thank you Discovery for showing us what doesn't work. Other shows learned from you.
Fairphone proves the usual excuses for ending Android support aren't valid.
That alone is worth a lot. Their endeavour for longevity is also great. I hope they get the attention they need.
I feel sorry for T-Rex in the last picture. The joke was good. 😄
This is either a work of singular art or complete and utter madness.
There's only one course of action: will try no matter the cost.
Also, thank you for using the metric system, fellow global citizen.
Does anyone have thoughts on Fleksy? Hasn't been updated in a long time, but typing is quite fast on it. Autocorrect works exceedingly well.
I have it installed, but miss some minor features. Swipe left to delete, to begin with. Hold to move cursor. Such small quality of life features. Or am I missing them?
The 400$ one will also contribute to e-waste.
Just saying.