It isn't my pet. I'm growing it for a stew.
On desktop I have to hover the pointer on the post points to see it.
Real life is satire now days
When YouTube was blocking ublock people was surprised that they couldnt donate to the project.
China's internet is isolated from the rest of the world. We would be looking at a lot of content created from china if it wasn't like that.
I've used and its browser extension to get a corrected stars count after it filters out fake reviews. I don't know how good it is still today but it's something.
Google photos made it difficult to download or delete your pictures on purpose. You have to manually select them. There is still a way to get them and it was because of GDPR, when you ask google for the whole data of your account they include the pictures and video from google photos.
The code is so old that their developers are already dead.
The vending machine would reject all bills because uBlock developers don't accept donations.