
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 16 points 5 months ago

So ist es bei uns auch.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 6 months ago

Ehrenbrudi, danke Herr Würth!

[–] [email protected] 25 points 6 months ago

"Bildung krimineller Vereinigung" scheint auch gut zu passen.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 6 months ago

Danke ihr Duisburger!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Your question reminded my immediately about one of my favorite 35c3 talks Butterbrotdosen-Smartphone - Mein DIY-Smartphone-Bau from 2018-12-29. It is in German language, but has an English translation, too. Maybe it can give you some good starting ideas?

Video: 1080p

Story, Translated with (free version)

I would like to show you how I built a smartphone from a Raspberry PI. The problems and difficulties I encountered and the solutions I found. The project is not yet finished, there are still a few small things missing. Nevertheless, I want to show you my smartphone in the practical sandwich box and tell you how it came about.

I had no idea that building a smartphone could be so complicated. Raspberry Pi + touch display is not all there is to think about in this project. At the moment, the smartphone project lives in a sandwich box and attracts attention on the subway. If the power bank can passthrough, that's an advantage, I've found. Setting up the X and Y axes on the touch display so that you can also use the on-screen keyboard was not so easy. And I had to realize that Landscape is not the right size to work smoothly. Most Linux programs are not directly touch-compatible or require too much memory. Then there were also big challenges! Learning to solder was one of them. First learning how to solder, then learning how to desolder, and then daring to use the PI. I would like to tell you these and other stories about building my smartphone.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 7 months ago (5 children)

Auf den von mir besuchten drei Demos wurde für Demokratie, Menschenwürde und Vielfalt demonstriert. Und natürlich gegen Rechtsextremismus und Hass.

Diese Demos waren explizit nicht gegen demokratische Parteien gerichtet und das war auch gut so! So standen und marschierten wir (sehr viele Menschen, von jung bis alt, von links bis rechts) vereint gegen das Nazi-Pack.

Ich hörte zufällig einen CSU Politiker sinngemäß sagen (beim Vorbeiziehen dem Lokalreporter antwortend), dass er es gut und wichtig findet, hier zusammen mit u.a. den Kollegen von Grünen und SPD Gesicht zu zeigen.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

Wir essen unsere Weißwürscht manchmal nach 11 Uhr 😜

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

Naja, normal ist das sicher nicht. Bei uns hier in den kleinen Ortschaften in Franken ist Fasching eher inklusiv und bunt gewesen.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Hier habe ich heute zum ersten mal die politische Forderung nach Aufarbeitung seines "Dienstes" gelesen:!5989675/ - Endlich!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago

Es ist so, wie @[email protected] schon schreibt:

Der für seinen Fokus auf Privatsphäre bekannte Messengerdienst Signal hat sein hauseigenes Kommunikationsprotokoll schon jetzt vor einer möglichen Bedrohung durch Quantencomputer in der Zukunft abgesichert. Der Anbieter erklärt in einem neuen Blogbeitrag, es gebe zwar bisher noch keine Systeme, die über genügend Qubits verfügten und leistungsfähig genug seien, um gängige Verschlüsselungsverfahren zu gefährden, jedoch ist dieser Zustand nicht von Dauer.

Zitat ist aus diesem Golem-Artikel: Signal schützt Chats schon heute vor Quantencomputern

Englisch bei Signal selbst: Quantum Resistance and the Signal Protocol

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Im Artikel wird ja darauf eingegangen:

Ramlan weist selbst darauf hin, dass Doom damit eigentlich nicht auf den Bakterien läuft, sondern eben nur von ihnen dargestellt wird. Allerdings gilt im Rahmen von "Doom runs on everything" meist wirklich die Darstellung des Spiels als ausreichend.

Ich finde aber auch, dass es dann nicht "Does it run Doom?", sondern "Does it display Doom?" heißen sollte.

Und jetzt muss ich zurück in die erste Map von Sigil 2, irgendwie komme ich diesmal gar nicht voran :(

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Many thanks OP for starting this thread and also big thank you to all suggesting Mull and Mulch. I was not aware of those apps and will try out both of them.

Here are some links to start from:

Overture Maps Foundation (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

From their starting-page:

Powering current and next-generation map products by creating reliable, easy-to-use, and interoperable open map data

Overture is for developers who build map services or use geospatial data.

Some items from their FAQ:

What types of map data will Overture release?

Overture map data will evolve over time. Initially, we are focusing on layers for transportation, places, 3D buildings and administrative boundaries data. To support next-generation map products, Overture will steadily improve the coverage, resolution and accuracy of existing data. In addition, Overture will introduce new layers as the community prioritizes them.

What is the relationship between Overture and OpenStreetMap?

Overture is a data-centric map project, not a community of individual map editors. Therefore, Overture is intended to be complementary to OSM. We combine OSM with other sources to produce new open map data sets. Overture data will be available for use by the OpenStreetMap community under compatible open data licenses. Overture members are encouraged to contribute to OSM directly.

How will Overture data be licensed?

Generally, Overture data is licensed under the Community Database License Agreement – Permissive v2 (CDLA) unless derived from a source that requires publishing under a different license, such as data derived from OpenStreetMap, that constitutes a “Derivative Database” (as defined under ODbL v1.0), which will be licensed under ODbL v1.0.

When will Overture begin releasing datasets?

Overture will release its first datasets in the first half of 2023. We’re working through our plans and will share more details as soon as we’re ready.

Will Overture release open source code?

Overture will develop open source code to help developers process and effectively use Overture map data and the global entity reference system. Code will be available on GitHub.


From the About-page:

There are many wonderful Free/Open Source Software projects dedicated to photography. Yet there aren’t nearly as many resources dedicated to photographic workflows with them.

This site hopes to rectify that with a simple goal:

To provide tutorials, workflows and a showcase for high-quality photography and cinematography using Free/Open Source Software.


From the About-page:

Did you know that you could store the entirety of Wikipedia on your phone? And read it anywhere, at anytime? [...]

We can make highly compressed copies of entire websites that each fit into a single (.zim) file. Zim files are small enough that they can be stored on users’ mobile phones, computers or small, inexpensive Hotspot.

Kiwix then acts like a regular browser, except that it reads these local copies. People with no or limited internet access can enjoy the same browsing experience as anyone else.

The software as well as the content are fully open-source and free to use and share.

My favorites for offline use are Wikipedia and iFixit, although the step-by-step photos are (by design) very low res.


A partial list of free and/or open-source textbooks.


A free(libre) and open-source webcomic supported directly by its patrons to change the comic book industry!

On the About-page you can find information about the author David Revoy and the philosophy behind his project.

David has also created a nice Lemmy meme

The Old Robot's Web Site (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If you like toy robots as much as I do, you will enjoy the picture collection on this sites.


Valuable tool when solving problems at Project Euler.

From the Welcome-page:

Most people use the OEIS to get information about a particular number sequence.

Citing Wikipedia:

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) is an online database of integer sequences. It was created and maintained by Neil Sloane while researching at AT&T Labs. He transferred the intellectual property and hosting of the OEIS to the OEIS Foundation in 2009.[4] Sloane is the chairman of the OEIS Foundation.

OEIS records information on integer sequences of interest to both professional and amateur mathematicians, and is widely cited. As of April 2023, it contains over 360,000 sequences,[5] making it the largest database of its kind.[citation needed]

Each entry contains the leading terms of the sequence, keywords, mathematical motivations, literature links, and more, including the option to generate a graph or play a musical representation of the sequence. The database is searchable by keyword, by subsequence, or by any of 16 fields.

Project Euler (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"Project Euler exists to encourage, challenge, and develop the skills and enjoyment of anyone with an interest in the fascinating world of mathematics."

From the about page:

How did Project Euler all start?

Project Euler was started by Colin Hughes (a.k.a. euler) in October 2001 as a sub-section on Who could have known how popular these types of problems would turn out to be? Since then the membership has continued to grow and Project Euler moved to its own domain in 2006.

Who runs Project Euler?

Ideas for new problems come from our own members and they are developed by a team of hard working and talented mathematicians and programmers. So to put it simply, it is the members that run Project Euler.

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