
joined 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

it's pretty good for things that I can eye scan and verify that's what I would have typed anyway. But I've found it suggesting things I wouldn't remotely permit to things that are "sort of" correct.

Yeah. I haven't bothered with it much but the best use I can see of it is just rubber ducking.

Last time I used it was to asked how to change contrast in a numpy image. It said to multiply each channel by contrast. (I don't even think this is right and it should be ((original value-128) * contrast) + 128) not original value * contrast as it suggested), but it did remind me I can just run operations on colour channels.

Wait what's my point again? Oh yeah, don't trust anyone that can't tell you what the output is supposed to do.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I'm not even mad at the employers to be fair. The problem is that so many jobs are just busy-work that exists because as a society we can't imagine decoupling labour from subjugation.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

Yeah. That's the problem. It doesn't seem to be that they didn't do the work, it's that they did other stuff too.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The article doesn't say anything about productivity or targets. They got as much done as someone who manually wiggles the mouse while thinking instead of going for a walk while thinking.

[–] [email protected] 80 points 3 months ago (8 children)

Notice how this doesn't even have anything to do with productivity. These people were fired purely for having the gall to not respect office hours regardless of the completion of tasks.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 3 months ago

There are sections of both the right and the left that have anti-authoritarian tendancies.

The libertarian right tends to view things purely in terms of government over reach, whilst the left tends to view things in terms of the power of capital.

Leftists saw Facebook pushing propaganda for the highest bidder, Reddit trying to be safe to sell to investors and twitter basically becoming a project to reflect Elon Musk's personal opinions.

Out of that came a bunch of attempts at creating new social networks. The right wing attempts were not cognisant that the aforementioned were the natural result of trying to get rich off it, while the left attempted to make it impossible to get into that position.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Solar panels on cars are thought of the wrong way. The responses in this thread really demonstrate that.

It's true that they're kind of pointless on EVs, because they're never going to supply enough power to not need a proper charge, which makes the panels redundant.

Where they could be useful is hybrids, sold as something that makes the engine 10-20% more efficient.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

I'm blaming imgflip, not my incredible laziness

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Search for "Hexamethyldisiloxane adhesive remover". It's designed for removing ostomy bags but it will remove pretty much any gummy sticky glue from anything with very little effort.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

My point isn't actually about the software.

Agile is a limited form of workplace democracy that succeeded because the usual forms of disciplining workers couldn't be enforced to stop it. It's taken off in software because the outlay for software is so low that people can just quit their jobs and start a rival project with preferable working conditions. It's stuck around because it's significantly more effective than dictat.

I have problems with agile too. A lot of the "ceremonies" seem more like cult rituals and bad practices are often assumed to be self justifying when they should be interrogated. (I once had a bust up in the office because I insisted in creating a future proof test framework instead of writing just what's needed at the time. I was overruled and I'm still mad about it).

So I guess my point isn't even about the specific agile practices either.

The point is that workers are able to self manage when they're allowed to, and agile has accidentally proven this to be the case. Other work places should adopt some of these ideas. And these ideas should be pushed further, into business decisions and HR and management. And physical communities etc. all the way up to actual government.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago

To be honest I'd say it's more similar to anarchism than socialism. Anarchism is voluntarist whilst socialism demands state power first. Both are ideally paths to communism* though so I'm going to say "communism" 'cause it annoys the most people.

communism as in post capitalist, post state utopia, not Stalinism*

[–] [email protected] 37 points 3 months ago (4 children)

This is a question that comes to mind every time I spend a few days focusing on the fediverse. Normally I'm on the microblogging side, but now I have a Lemmy account it might start a proper discussion.

So, to the point, pretty much every fedi platform has similar problems with small servers taking a beating whenever a post goes viral. This ends up costing the server owner a bunch of money trying to keep their server alive while thousands of instances attempt to pull large static files from the original host's post. This recently instigated this call to action on this forum.

I've never seen the question of torrents answered and it feels like a lot of effort and a bit self entitled to get the ear of fedi software devs to implement torrents as a solution, so I'm putting this here.

If media files were made into torrents when a post was being created, an extra object could be added to post objects like

'torrentcdn': {
  'https://imagePathAsKey.jpg': {
    'infohash': 'ba618eab...',
    'torrentLocation': 'https://directlinkto.torrent',
    'webseed': 'https://imagePathAsKey.jpg',

This would not break compatibility as it would just be ignored by anything not looking for a 'torrentcdn' object, yet up to date instances could use this instead of directly pulling the static files.

This would benefit instances as when a post goes viral, the load would be distributed amongst all instances attempting to download the file.

This could also benefit clients and instances as larger files like short videos could be distributed using webtorrent, massively reducing the load on server when many people are watching the same video.


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