Movie was an absolute trip, haha
Can't recommend Thunder enough, especially if you like a good compact mode/gesture-based UI. The devs are great and very responsive on the github repo, and the app just keeps getting better!
For anyone about to downvote - it's a quote from Inglorious Basterds ^
Also in many cases it's not a medical procedure at all - the morning after pill is a thing, for example
Sorry, I don't really see how that invalidates the overarching message here
Hope it helps!
When was the last time you tried it? There have been hiccups a few times where Ublock needed to push an update, but (at least on my end) those issues have tended to resolve quickly
If YouTube is your only issue you could also just keep chrome around as a YouTube player and use Firefox for everything else - unless space is exceptionally tight on your system, a second browser isn't the worst thing to have on hand :)
That's just turning it off with Style✨
Loved audacious back in the day! Glad to see it still being worked on :)
Ahhh, thanks for sharing! Had no idea this was happening, I'm definitely checking out the Kickstarter when it launches :D
Bahahah. Hard to choose a favorite scene but that was definitely a crowd pleaser in my showing