they should just make an AI John Stewart and deep fake the video so they can have all the clout John brings without the potential trouble John's rational and thoughtful dialogue also brings
too bad the truck doesn't have nuts
never heard of cubot, thanks for sharing
The PPP is still too far from being useful for me to think they could deliver a uzbl small phone
Fake news! Unihertz sells the Jelly
i think you're suppose to accelerate and hit em square
Whenever there’s a discussion about investing in renewable energy, there are always nuke bros popping up, bombarding the thread, derailing the discussion.
but this isn't a discussion about renewables, the topic is Slovenia's new nuclear plant which they're building to end coal consumption for power generation.
in fact, what you describe is exactly what is happening here to nuclear
the people have spoken
$ crontab -e
0 1 * * * tar -cvzf ~/dotfiles-$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).tgz ~/.[^.]* >/dev/null 2>&1
lol what a noob to trading you are. GME obviously