Well you can. Just switch your clock to UTC and you're done. You won't even have DST to deal with.
A Sony mobile phone that couldn't remember the time when it was switched off.
True it's going back a while. But not so far that battery backed clock chips were uncommon.
Putin blaming the USA and their "Ukrainian puppets" in 3... 2...
What rules can we add that solve this problem? (I've tried DDG but didn't find any results)
Help! Help! Here come the Borg!
let's see who gets that reference...
"fictional AI CP" isn't a thing. AI is trained on existing data. It does not create new stuff. If you want AI to generate CP then you have to train it on CP.
I had eggs for breakfast so probably 1.
I hope he was wearing a sonky
OK so next time you've done your work for the day, try going home early. Do let us know how it goes.
You aren't paid by the hour as long as it suits the company. As soon as it suits you, you're damn well going to sit there until 5pm staring at the ceiling if you have to, THEN you can go home.
I had the misfortune to have to share an office with a bunch of sales morons. I can recommend Bose idiot-cancelling headphones. What a bunch of selfish noisy fuckwombles.
No it doesn't. "Time zones around the world are expressed using positive or negative offsets from UTC, as in the list of time zones by UTC offset."
Time now in UTC is 10:33, no matter where on the planet you are.