Try doing it with IOCCC code.
We even like combining them in one thing. Tyres are measured using inches for one dimension and millimetres for the other two.
Why would you demand metric everything and not metric time?
Well it's only Windows that's complaining it can't install Windows 11 on my Windows 10 laptop. I'm not mothballing perfectly good hardware just because Microsoft is having a tantrum.
That's some badass ass assessment.
Clearly someone who's never accidentally tasted dandelion milk.
Oh I don't know. Healthy people, kept healthy by science, live longer, earn more, tithe more; some even get to reverse tithe (where they keep 10% and give the rest away).
It's a single example that disproves the hypothesis "science and religion must always oppose". Only one example is needed, in the same way that the Riemann hypothesis only needs a single zero off the critical line to prove it's false.
Well let's have a look at the Tory track record of implementing things effectively. How about Boris's oven ready deal? Seems he didn't have one. Was he lying? Or did he have one that he thought the EU would accept until they laughed him out of the room? How's the Rwanda plan going? How much has it cost so far? How many flights have left? Hmm.
Because back when the only way to listen to new music was to buy it, then find out a load of it was absolute tripe, then not be able to take it back.
So fuck 'em. I download first, then if I like it I buy it. There's quite a few CDs on my shelf that I first pirated. And no CDs that are full of lame filler shite.
British Christian here, with an engineering degree. I think knowledge is a good thing. But it's not the only thing; faith is important too. Balancing the two can be tricky because we always want more "why?" and God isn't always going to answer that. But He is good, infinitely good, there is no evil in Him, and He has promised to be with us forever. There are times when you just have to switch your analytics off and trust, and find the peace within "I don't know."
No but it might make the new owners think a bit.