
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Remember Kim Dotcom? He had a file sharing website and the police raided his house with guns like he was a dangerous criminal. There is a video of it on YouTube.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

“Piracy” is a propaganda term. We shouldn’t use it. There is nothing wrong with sharing files.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

You are right about teenagers, but on the other hand not all people are the same. For some reason we've decided that they are competent to make those kinds of decisions and to do other things like driving a car. So even though they are not adults, we don't think of them as children either. There is probably no simple answer to this question, though.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

Introduce him to game development with Godot engine. I don't know any specific tutorials, but you should be able to find something on YouTube.

You can also introduce him to the Free Software movement: https://youtu.be/Ag1AKIl_2GM

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Here is an article from the FSF explaining why we should avoid making such compromises: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/compromise.html . They probably explain this a lot better than me, so if it doesn't convince you, then probably nothing will.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Neither is mine, the cost is extremely minor in this case, because steam is a gaming client, and the fundamental nature of a gaming client is non-essential and not integrated into the system deeply at all.

You could use this excuse to justify almost any type of proprietary software. Most apps are not deeply integrated into the system. That doesn't make them ethical.

What you fail to understand is people being on windows is way worse in every single way than them having one proprietary app on their computer.

It is more free than Windows and I never said otherwise. I just said that it was still unethical.

There is huge benefit, more people are using much more FOSS, and the fact is, if more people were on linux, there’d be more foss software, which means better alternatives and outcompeting proprietary software.

But those people don't care about their freedom. That's the problem. They will always use proprietary software, because they only care about convenience or features. We need to change that. Only then our movement will benefit from this. We can't let them get attached to Valve as long as they make proprietary software.

Steam ain’t that. It’s video games. And nothing else.

Games are software. If you can't control what they do on your device, then you don't control the device.

Steam isn’t going to be what “traps” them or anything, especially when it’s sandboxed, and when you sandbox it, it has literally no integration with the rest of your system at all.

You are assuming that a company that makes proprietary software won't try to get more power over their users. Why wouldn't they? Their users don't even care. Sandboxing improves your security (which is good), but not your freedom. You still can't see what the software does or change it, so that program is still unethical.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Games don’t come with the source code.

Most of them don't, but some do. Just like with programs and apps.

Do they provide ethical installers?

They don't provide any, you just download the game itself. Or you can use their Free Software client, which will download and update the games for you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Check the Historical section.

Those distros are just not being developed anymore, so they are no longer recommended.

Why do you bash Valve but not any other company like Apple, Nvidia etc?

I do. I will never buy anything from those companies.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (3 children)

The distros being removed from this list mostly by requests from maintainers means it’s not actively monitored or researched at all. So by not verifying it you put yourself on a mercy of other people. It will fail, if not already.

What are you talking about? It's a list made by the Free Software Foundation. What was removed? If some information is incorrect, you should be able to prove it.

That’s because you have to use consoles to even read them. They contain hardware DRM and are far from being ethical.

I don't know what hardware DRM means, but they use proprietary software, so you are right that they are unethical. I never said they were.

Am I missing something or you’re thinking that starting with least offenders is a good idea?

I don't know what you mean.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (2 children)

You do. But hey you end up with DRM free games you like so much.

But to get there I have to use unethical proprietary software that I hate so much.

By the way why so you even want games? Aren’t most of them unethical?

Who said I do?

Gog offline installers are also unethical, no?

Of course. This is why itch.io is better than gog.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago (4 children)

My goal isn't to increase the number of GNU/Linux users at all cost. I see very little benefit from people using GNU/Linux if they will use proprietary software on it, unless it's only a temporary solution for them. If people stop using one proprietary platform only to be trapped in another without realizing it, then something went wrong. Some people ditch Android only to use SailfishOS. Or they ditch Twitter only to use Threads. So I hope those new GNU/Linux users who know nothing about the Free Software movement don't get trapped again.

Steam is an unethical DRM platform, so I will always criticize it regardless if it makes people switch to GNU/Linux.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Also the Linux kernel and possibly some drivers according to the FSF: https://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html. But I don't know how to verify that last part.


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