That's a good idea - I should change at the gym so guys can see my shaved body and my female athletic wear. I haven't been to a gym in years, but I have access to one at my community college.
I hear that "gaydar" is a thing, but unfortunately it's a thing I don't have. It took me 6 months to work up the courage to ask a coworker if he was "queer in any capacity". He answered the question with a yes, and he gave me this look like "what, you didn't know?" He could be a transman for all I know, I'm just that dense. And it makes me think that other guys like me are equally dense and have no idea that I'm queer, which is a problem that I'd like to solve visually in a way that conveys as much information as possible. It's good that you at least feel like a bottom. I personally would like to try wearing a buttplug at work (not that communicates anything).
I made a thread a couple weeks after dazedandconfused stopped posting, but nobody replied. I'll share my week.
Friday - went to a BDSM meeting. Met a woman 20 years older than me whose son shares my name. Could be a kinky time at some point in the future. Tuesday - went to an LGBTQ meeting and finally had an open conversation about actual sexual topics. This group took some warming up. Not sure if any boys want to date me, but we'll see.