
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] -3 points 6 days ago (2 children)

We had discussions before and you agreed back then and then started disagreeing and blocking and banning me, erasing documents and so on, so I wouldn't waste a second more in talking to you. Go back to your @heretical_i friend who can tolerate garbage like yourself.

You agree on anti-capitalism but you take the safety off when discussing Stalin .... you can't tolerate it, or control it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Dialectics of history show that the ruling class, the industrialists by 19th century, were the sole commanders of the state, and the state acted ONLY in their behalf. When people got organized as workers and started fighting this power back by the 30s capitalism collapsed, the state begun its evolutionary state as a social democracy, which also represented interests of people (labor law, welfare state, education, social rights) ... Capital didn't stand still and accept this evolution, it had to find a way to fight back and gain control of ALL states from outside and above. 1st strike was Breton Woods, privatization of national banking. The late state is where nearly all states are in non sustainable debt and all this debt is controlled by private bankers. And that means social democracy is dead and its destruction is irreversible, as long as capitalism survives. That means that nearly all "progressive" reformists of the capitalists states are either too naive or are lying too much. There is NOTHING that can change within capitalism, unless people are willing to go really hungry, cold, and start nearly from 18th century conditions and rebuild. The markets are not forgiving any deviance! Ask the Yugoslavians, they will tell you all about their independent social democracy.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I am not a chemist but one high up in the chem-health research chain was telling me the basic ingredient on most popular "energy" drinks is a slightly modified chain of usual methamphetamines that is not banned by FDA or Euro-equivalent agencies, and in it reacts with alcohol to produce the effects now known to kids all around the world.

There is no dirtier pusher than Big-Pharma and Big-Tobacco... The crap is so evil it resembles 30-40s German "industries" like the Bayer-nazis now part of Monsanto.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 week ago

The only coke that is legally imported to the US is a subsidiary front of Coca-Cola supervised by a USAF agency. After processing part of the product goes to the sole soft drink manufacturer the rest goes to big-Pharma

[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 week ago

I am referring to people who can NOT do without behavior modification substances, legal, illegal, off the mini-market or the drug-store or the street, it makes no difference.

YES it is all over the literature, anti-depressants took up the slack of smoking and drinking quitting markets. From Big-Tobacco to Big-Pharma the goal is profit, and Prozac is one hell of alot more profitable than a good cigar. From Delaware to Georgia you have to use chemicals to stop tobacco from growing or use hybrids that are incapable of reproducing. Even if you can make Prozac in your kitchen you can't sell someone's patent.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

NATO was fighting a proxy war against Russia and against anyone willing to stand on its side, maybe a test. By keeping Russia busy NATO/ISIS can wrap up Syria, provoke Iran to engage, Israel got a piece of Syria and most likely Lebanon, and it is about time Palestinians vacate Israel, handed to the Israelis by the UK with no conditions to keep the Arabs. Any place the UK has "vacated" has left a chaos of civil wars and antagonism behind. Roman rule surviving in 21st century with all the refinements of the UK.

Would this happen if Russia wasn't busy fighting in Ukraine? Would Turkey/Azerbaijan be able to kill and bomb Armenians if Russia wasn't that busy?

NATO engaged, EU supplies have run out, most committed to spending little for defense now they have nothing. But Russia didn't lose, so any proposal for peace agreement is an effort to save up part of Ukraine for later NATO use, and to accept defeat. Nobody will ask Ukrainians what they want, nobody asked people in Donetsk Luhansk fighting for autonomy and independence what they wanted either.

When Trump says he will reduce defense spending that means he will see it that the EU will take up the slack of the US defense industry welfare system. Either they pay or Russia will start chewing them up like pacman dots. See GDP % to defense budgets of NATO members to understand how large the gap is and for whom are the bells ringing.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 week ago (8 children)

I see big tobacco just fine, and consumers didn't hit big tobacco, the US government did by stepping on falsified findings of the ills of 2nd hand smoke. No move was made against tobacco till the US signed trade agreements with China to allow Big Tobacco to sell in the world's #1 smoking market. Look back at that date, then follow stock market prices of BT after the date. PM and RJR diversified, even put a foot into Big Pharma taking up their market.

Still, when you sum up all control substances including psychotropic recipied substances, the grand total hasn't changed a bit. The quality of the market changed, the quantity didn't. The poor kept smoking the rich just got Prozac

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 week ago (14 children)

US beer can hardly qualify as control substance, it is what alcoholics drink to reduce the alcohol on their blood. The rest of alcohol has been banned for decades. Imagine that when Amstel first seriously started selling in the US standard Amstel couldn't classify as beer but only liquor, amstel light did meet the criteria. Now this is tv and radio, other media did have ads.

Tobacco bans mostly hurt motorsports but soon they found alternatives to cover the market.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (6 children)

We are daily bombarded with news on what the ruling elites have decided to enforce and that it affects our living, yet instead of concentrating on the mechanism we split hair between us on whether we are for or against their decisions. Nobody is left being concerned on what it would be like for us to announce our decisions that would affect their lives.

There is no talk here whether we should act to prevent this or not, just whether we approve or disapprove their actions. The motive? Our disapproval has little if any effect on them, they will keep deciding, they will enforce, and we will comply, because we know no other way.

I say we change the agenda, stop making their news headlines our center for discussion, let’s keep focusing on our headlines, till they start addressing our agenda.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

To do so Europeans will either shop for US weapons or leave NATO and seek their own defense systems. As the late members quickly found out, and their populations don't like it, much of their existing military is obsolete, and the expense of complying with NATO membership will severely diminish their "traditional" welfare state, who has been more the target of US policy than Russian blockade from the markets. That is for Fins and Swedes good bye socialized health care and education, hello insurance and industrial indoctrination.

Germany doesn't even count on anything, it is still an occupied territory of the US, its health system reflects this satellite US in Europe territory, Last Germans to react and resist this occupation died in prison in white isolation rooms (Still in love with Ulrike despite of ideological separation - dreaded vanguardism).

If people can't understand history they will never understand moments and still pictures from it. The US still, since the 30s, is fighting communism in the very narrow minded way it perceives it. The US is just a mean barking dog of the global industrial/banking cartel. Not much more than that, sad but wonderful people serving that dog and keeping it alive.

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