
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Hach immer schon zu sehen, das Lokalpolitik nicht nur in Deutschland zum Teil einfach dumm ist.

Ich bin zugegebenermaßen nicht mit tschechischem Recht vertraut, aber Dinge einfach zu verbieten die einem nicht gefallen kann doch nicht das eleganteste Mittel sein.

Man kann doch sicher den Wirten oder Guides Auflagen zum Lärmschutz und Verbote zum Ausschank an Betrunkene machen. Man könnte vorschreiben, dass es eine günstigere alkoholfreie Alternative geben muss. Man könnte das eigene Zoneing überdenken und Wohn- und Partybezirke trennen.

Aber das sind ja alles Dinge, die alle betreffen, langwierig sind und/oder kontrolliert werden müssen. Lieber mal einen Blankobann aussprechen, der meiner Erfahrung in Prag nach sowieso nicht wirklich verfolgt wird, aber die lokalen Guides weiter in prekäre und volatile Beschäftigungsverhältnis bringt.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

„Es gibt teils regelrechte Hasskommentare unter den Videos“, erzählt Andreas Karasek.

Leider gibt es auf diesem Planeten einfach Leute, denen "normal sein" wichtiger ist als Spaß am Leben zu haben. Die eigene Normalität muss dann durch so Kommentare unterstrichen werden. Wenn sie die Welt nicht aktiv schlechter machen würden, hätten die Authorys solcher Kommentare mein Mitleid.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah you can do that. You would be wrong and people around you would wonder why you switched the subject. But you can do that.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 3 weeks ago

It is not. Saying so, reduces the intrusiveness and carelessness of the american system and absolute insanity of the chinese scoring system.

The SCHUFA is a problematic institution for sure, but saying it's equivalent to the chinese scoring system just shows that you don't know what you are talking about.

[–] [email protected] 48 points 1 month ago (35 children)

There is a fine line between valid criticism of gender roles & sexism.

An example of the former would be, "Men are dangerous for women". Of course not all men are dangerous, but it describes the experience of many women & how they have to navigate the world, to not be assaulted.

This one describes the dynamic of a relationship between individuals & assigns a thought pattern to one of those individuals, based on their gender.

Maybe I missed some nuances here & I would be glad to be enlightened, but this looks like plain sexism.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 1 month ago

Yes even Putin. Putin deserves to be put in front of a court of law & sentenced to live in a high-security low-luxury prison. Death sentences or perpetual fear of life are always undeserved & as a punishment, incompatible with a modern society.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

Because they state that free healthcare is automatically bad healthcare. Which, as a general statement, is just wrong.

Free Healthcare is a broad term for dozens of different policies in dozens of different countries. Just because OP's specific country has problems, doesn't mean that every single implementation of free healthcare leads to bad healthcare. Also a similar rhetoric is used as a dog whistle by the far right in the USA.

Additionally they are using a specific question about their situation, to rant about a much broader topic. This soapboxing called behaviour is generally frowned upon.

So the comment in isolation is wrong, attention seeking & looks like written by someone who is something between a manchild, that is unable/unwilling to present a nuanced opinion, and a nazi. All of which are imho criteria for a downvote.