The internet has made real time collaborative price fixing possible.
The internet has made real time collaborative price fixing possible.
I was gonna go with the other guys sensible answer, but i like yours more.
Having a company behind software means you can pay to have your bugs fixed. Big distros want that stability for their corporate customers. It's no secret or anything. KDE has sponsors, but doesn't have a direct relationship with a huge contractor like RH. Same reasoning for systemd.
Politics, basically.
Contrary to popular opinion, i'm gonna guess graphics driver. Specifically the shader compiler.
I thought it was obvious I meant has more oxygen. You know.. the thing in air that matters to us humans.
Wait so air is stronger near a magnet ?
I measured my fridge. You could, in theory. Problem is that the motor in the fridge (and in power tools) is an "induction load", meaning it draws a lot more power in a split second when starting. Inverters have to be built with that in mind, or just stronger (killowats range).
You can, since a couple versions ago.
So i checked the fhs. Doesn't say it is deprecated. V3 just mentions XDG and glib (the probable sources of such claims).
Well, he is the god of war. He wishes his kids to grow up strong and respected like him. Don't be so harsh on the guy, he's doing his best you know.
Uds, shm, fuse for ipc. Ini for configs.