Seeing as how the majority of truck drivers here in Australia are complete aggro cunts, this should be marvellous as they’ll be able to destroy even more innocent drivers.
Is this when loads of maggots come out of their eggs into flesh?
The real question is why the fuck would I want Facebook or Instagram being pushed onto my face?!?!
Son/heir of exploitative South African gem mining company grows up to run company that exploits black people.
I am SHOCKED. /s
We don’t have a time machine etc. We do have a sort of democracy, as flawed as it is. Voting ‘Yes’ can make an small but important step towards empowering the currently disenfranchised subjugated aboriginal people who didn’t deserve the colonial hand they got dealt.
So, what’s your problem?
I hear you, and yet the CCP is it’s own special brand of shittiness, of which I cannot abide, or forgive.
I hear you, and yet the CCP is it’s own special brand of shittiness, of which I cannot abide, or forgive.
That’s still potentially a 50% increase in profits for sold accounts
I’m saying it’s both Russian trolls and plenty of homegrown colonial racism. I do honestly think though that the trolls have weaponised social media to create an astro-turfed permission structure in western societies where we had previously been pretty good at starting to smash that racist shit out towards the past.
Thanks comrade! Keep up the good work! Are you still getting paid now that Pregoshits got whacked?
Cool. Go get ‘em. Now do the whole news / journalism thing.
I’ve never understood the arrogance of Reddit when 100% of its content comes from other creatives via submitting users.