Und wenn das nicht austauschbare, fest verbaute Kabel zum Host kaputt geht, kann man den Hub wegschmeißen.
Definitiv nicht der Beste auf dem Markt.
There's Tablacus. Opus is supposed to be good too, but I haven't tried it.
So banning ublock origin lite from the addon store was malice, after all?
That means they will drop MV2 as soon as Chrome ends the business/legacy support, since they were the alternative.
You misspelled Library Genesis.
It's $269.99 and has 9 programmable buttons. It's designed to control rent-seeking apps like Photoshop.
The Streamdeck XL costs $200 and has 32 programmable buttons. I'm using it to control my dorm room through Home-Assistant, and my robot camera through Bitfocus Companion.
Yes, but for different reasons. They are much less popular, and have way lower market share as a result.
Lots of lower-end chinese projectors are also running Android (linux), with multi-core CPUs..
Don't Google it. Just be happy you missed Liveleak and r/watchpeopledie.
My hot air station has a reeeealllly long cable.
So long. It's the best. Unlike my..
SDRs like the Hackrf Portapack are, as well.
You know when people say "I've only talked about this once, never searched for it, and then I got ads a few days later"?
What if it hasn't been phones that were listening (despite Siri/Google Assistant/Alexa mis-identifying something as a wake-word being the most sensible explanation), but TVs?
Joke's on them. Their telemetry server is in another ~~castle~~ VLAN.