Is that KNEE BOARDING guy jacking off?
My newest vps runs with Caddy. Works like a charm. The downside was, that I didn't think of the automatic certificate deployment when I set everything up and it wouldn't come up a first when I only wanted to connect locally to it, as it tried to get a certificate but the challenge failed because I hadn't the firewall open yet. But besides that it was very smooth so far.
Amazon Deep Glacier is a lot cheaper for storage (but expensive for retrieval).
I use Archive Storage in Oracle Cloud S3 for my dr backups which is their equivalent of AWS deep glacier archive. It's quite cheap, no restore fees, inbound traffic is free and outbound traffic is only paid, when you're using more than 10TB per month. (Also first 10 GB of S3 storage is free)
Remember <marquee>
? And maybe add some dancing hamsters?
Remember that JS file that rendered a text besides your mouse pointer and when you moved your mouse, the text would follow it letter by letter?
Da Deutschland historisch Nazi-Land ist, sind das dann wohl Antifa-Aktionen /s
¡Por favor ayuda! ¡Mi amigo me engañó para que viniera a otro país y ahora está tratando de extraer mis órganos para su padre moribundo!
Nice idea - If you need some more ideas, you could also look at, which happens mostly on Mastodon (see #fedivision or #fedivision2024, the instance for this is
It's not the most detailed thing, but I just use a free account on to send a head request every two minutes to a few services that are reachable from the internet (either just their homepage or some ping endpoint in the API) and then used the status page functionality to have a simple second status page on a third party server.
You can do a bit more on their paid tier, but so far I didn't need that.
On the other hand, you could try if a free tier/cheap small vps on one of the many cloud providers is sufficient for an uptime Kuma installation. Just don't use the same cloud provider as all other of your services run in.
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"Würden Sie kündigen, wenn Sie Aufstocker dadurch monatlich dasselbe Geld auf dem Konto haben ohne zu arbeiten?"
SMBC hatte da neulich einen passenden Comic Strip