I should get used to that with my grater. I either press with huge amounts or just do the old smash and rapid micro slice.
Shoe sizes need to go too. Just measure it in centimeters. List all the measurements - length, width at forefoot, midfoot, rearfoot. Let people go online and look up a list of shoes that actually fit perfectly. Instead we have three or four different variants of shoe size numbers, gendered, that don't even work with width, and half the time are too big or too small.
I would edit it to say:
The precise reason why the solution has always been total replacement of the system with direct democracy. From within or without.
I have some faith that we'd see the economic outcomes we want with direct votes for measures vs. votes for politicians, due to the amount of involvement required.
Congress has the power to impeach him and remove him from office. Of course, like the last 10 or so war criminal presidents of the U.S., they don't. Likewise, the courts have the power to neuter his presidency - and had the power to put him in prison - but don't, and didn't.
The precise reason why the solution has always been total system replacement. From within or without.
I think the actual code re: that is those big metal handle rail bars that have to be attached to studs (ADA compliance maybe?).