I like to think that he forgets, keeps trying and then makes a new post about it
Any iOS equivalent?
"Éjjel-nappal, a hét minden napján!"
No, I guess 24/7 is not ubiquitous.
You'll be on linux by then.
I feel like a time traveller with timeshift.
I still think it's okay to have high skill ceiling classes though. It's one reason dota2 Invoker was so popular for example.
They could probably add one healer in a moba or team shooter that has a complicated but rewarding game play.
Disagree. Both Ragnarok Online pvp and World of Warcraft arena had tank mage builds (discipline priest and priest/high priest) and they were incredibly fun to play. Especially early-ish discipline pvp was all about proactive absorption and then removing as many buffs and burning mana of the enemy.
Then of course blizzard did their usual blizzard shit.
Good one. You've left your si in there though.
Probably wintraded.
Turns out I just had to enable the auto scroll option in Firefox itself. Looks like I never had it on in Windows before, but the OS took care of it there.