How is whom he married relevant to English Language Arts class?
Yes and no for me
Distro doesn't matter because they only differ in package manager and initial configuration, you can always compile things if you really need it.
GUI doesn't matter because you'll end up with all KDE and gnome dependencies installed anyway because your applications need it.
Experience probably matters, but if it doesn't, it may be because there is just so much there to know.
Portugal is neither?
There is a certain amount the government needs for the planned budget. This amount can be collected as one tax, or split into several taxes, or even with a "country monthly subscription for living there" or something. It's easier to create a fair system with different taxes.
You hired your friend. From his salary, you pay payroll tax, your friend pays income tax.
I'm pretty sure it is controlled by a check-mark in panel settings.
They all means the same - free to travel
I've read the title 3 times and still have to idea what it says.
One step left - read JIRA description and generate the code