I think you mean "dyaaadddddd......"
There are also ice roads in Alaska. I was going to post my favourite Canadian one, but I can't since it's April. Going from Soutt to North in my province takes 22 hours in the winterm and is impossible in the summer.
What about the pin to unlock your phone? And at least here there's no pin with tap.
Well that's pretty inexcusable then.
A meter is a device that measures things. Clearly it clears out a parking lot with 50 spots, each controlled by a square parking meter.
As far as I know, though, no Americans at all know about the metre: a unit of measurement.
Don't know much about fhe context here, so I won't defend this person if she's actually pretending. That said, I wore masks consistently, and completely understand their value, and would never complain about people wearing them, but...
Holy hell are people harder to understand when wearing them. I know it's a me problem, and I know why it's a problem, so I completely understand why somebody would say that.
Still not enough to justify not wearing one.
Come to Canada, most of our existing stuff is robertson, and only the really cheap new stuff isn't.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a philips or slotted deck screw. I have and have purchased many boxes of these things and they've always been nearly 100% Robertson. Is this a US thing?
And who bring a Playboy mag to their university's computer lab, and advertises their possession?
Probably a random grad student. They were just coming out of the "sexual revolution" of the 60s at that point. It'd be a lot weirder ten years earlier or ten years later.
That a similar thing did happen ten years earlier is the weird part, I think.
I like to measure the area of rooms in foot-metres. Square foot-metres is a great unit for volume.
Today I unironically described the length of something as "about 1 centimetre less than a foot".
Mine will too, when it's reasonably warm out, but not below -15 or so. Below -30 it's even longer, and might not keep it clear, and I need to open windows just so moisture goes somewhere other than the windshield.,
Bah, Canada's part of the same treaties. We still did it.