
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 93 points 1 week ago (6 children)

I bet this was some sort of gen AI mishap: "translate this campaign text to Latin", because of course Latinos speak Latin, and it's called Latin America too!

Although this would be twice as hilarious if they hired a translator who just went "🤷 ah well, money is money"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

I've only done it the "manual" way but I don't think the script was even a thing the last time I installed Arch, which must have been close to 15 years ago now.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

Oh it's not quite as "from scratch" as some people make it out to be. It definitely can be more work than most distros, but mostly it's pretty straightforward and you generally just follow some wiki guide or another when picking "components" to install and I think nowadays you can use prebuilt binaries too (I haven't used Arch in a good while.) There's really not all that many moving parts, most of them are sort of a package deal – if you want to use X, you have to install Y and Z. It really is more like building a PC from parts.

Now, if you actually want to build a Linux system from scratch, there's the very surprisingly named Linux From Scratch project

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago

Academics, think tanks and magazines are buzzing with conversations about how to undo the damage wrought by half a century of misguided economic policies. On the right, that debate has already spilled out into the public view.

Well, if vocally campaigning to make shit much worse qualifies as "spilled out into the public view", then yeah I guess it has

[–] [email protected] 30 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

I suppose they meant that it slows down their internet, not the internet

[–] [email protected] 23 points 4 weeks ago

Clueless MBA parasites ruining shit for everybody again?

Must be a day that ends in Y

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I doubt he's that open-minded. He's one bottle of whiskey away from suggesting concentration camps for minorities and "woke" people

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 34 points 1 month ago (3 children)

This but unironically

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Well, separating his [REDACTED] from his [REDACTED] using the famous French invention called [REDACTED] would definitely be justice

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 month ago (1 children)

As long as we keep pretending conservatism is a valid political ideology and not a dangerous mental disorder that should land you in treatment and on a watch list, no civilized society can be safe.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 month ago (5 children)

What he needs is something I can't say out loud if I don't want to get banned.


cross-posted from: https://suppo.fi/post/3091267


That "What am I pregnant with??" absolutely sent me

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


That "What am I pregnant with??" absolutely sent me

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: and the title is in no way meant to disparage sex workers, I really do believe sex work is real work


Ilmastotutkijoiden mukaan merkittävimmät maapallon lämpenemiseen vaikuttavat tekijät ovat fossiiliset polttoaineet ja maatalous.

Toinen päivä putkeen kun ennätykset menivät rikki. On mielenkiintoinen loppuelämä tiedossa meillä


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/17759111

Sadly, we will never again be likely to have the opportunity to take such a photo.

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