
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 46 minutes ago

Trying to print hello world is actually pretty easy

public static void main[Args]{ SystemPrintOutLn("Helli world"); }

That's should be it. But I can devinetively agree. For simple tasks Java is to complex because you need to do to much stuff prior to it. If you have more complex things its actually not that bad since if you have a good polished infrastructure it can be quite good.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Pasteurisation has one hell of a downside. The taste. Raw milk tastes much better than pasteurized Milk. That's at least my opinion.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago

That's a good one, but sadly true.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

Its actually quite simple. Snaily often eat crops and thereby reduce the production of said crops. The more snails reproduce, the more crops will be eaten. When you know how their reproduction works you can start looking for solutions on how to reduce their reproduction (and so the production of crops).

[–] [email protected] 67 points 2 hours ago (5 children)

Say it with me:

No. Research. Is. Useless.

If we say that research is useless because it doesn't bring you mo ey we could stop teaching children math beyond the absolute basics because "it doesn't brinf them anything". This is stupid, because those are the fundamentals that tech children to thing logically and become useful member of society. Same with research. It teaches us the things necessary to maybe invent some of the most useful stuff ever seen

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

Man merkt, dass Merz sich an die Republikaner annähert. Selbst ohne die Zahlen war mir klar, dass in DE Abtreibungen kein so kontroverses Thema sind.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

I can't say anything about the hygienic standards for milk production in the US, but i absolutely agree with you, that under trump such laws will probably get weakened.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

To make this clear. Germany decided in 2011 that it finally wants to phase out nuclear(I'm not going into the details about it before 2011). This was 13 years ago. Since then Germany slowly shut down its nuclear power plants. The final shutdown was last year. Before the final shutdown it was about 2% of the total energy mix. Until the final shutdown none gave a fuck about Germany nuclear power plants shutshuting down. After the phase out was done everyone suddenly wants to return to nuclear, even if its not really an economically viable option(I'm not even talking about the waste problems) and even tho that we can't just turn them on. There are only a few power plants left where the tearing down of them hasn't started yet. It would take some time to certificate a lot of stuff(to make sure the plant is safe), get fuel and hire and maybe teach the new staff.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 hours ago

Theres also power production from water and also using biogas plants. Those are two technologies being perfectly capable of supplying a base power.


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Eine sehr schwierige, aber gute Doku über die Hintergründe von Kindestötungen. Im allgemeinen geht es darum, dass viele der betroffenen Mütter Gewalt auf verschiedenste Art und Weise erlebt haben, aber diese nie richtig verarbeiten konnten. Dies führt dann zu Depressionen und Suizidversuchen, da man aber nicht das eigene Kind zurücklassen will, da den betroffenen klar ist welche Folgen ihr Suizid für das Kind hat.

Ich finde in dem Kontext auch ein Zitat aus der Doku sehr gut

Wenn die Mutter stirbt, weint man und bereitet die Beerdigung vor. Wenn sie über lebt, kriegt sie 20 Jahre.

Die Doku ist nichts für schwache Nerven, aber auf jeden Fall sehenswert.

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