Aaah then it is not a retreat it is just an excuse to fire people and whine about regulations
Same in Sicily, some farmers begin to plant mango trees and bananas. This summer Mediterranean see was 30°C so I guess we are now in a tropical climate there
Indeed, plus there is no opposition - at all : here, even ecologists are complaining about some solar panel fields projects because companies want to build it in national parks.
Without oil China is trying to ensure energy independence, they go full nuclear too, they want to build 6-10 reactors per year
Check on youtube there is probably a video on how to open and do it your laptop model
I feel like this is the same for any animal species. Does someone has a map of world's land use for human activities ?
maybe this one ?
Whaaat my laptop is 13yo, It is faster than new, just because I added ram and ssd 4 years ago
TL;DW : money, and a lack of critical thinking (1 men told "this is the way to build" and all jumped on the train)
Keep in mind that kremlin still runs massive campaigns to make you think Biden will loose and is unable to run the country.
But he is not alone, this is not a monarchy, there is a full team behind him to make great things for the country.
please go send a 0 star review on constructors website.
oh shit you can't !
it has never stopped, there are more Greeks dispatched in the world than in Greece.
daaamn this gang applied the same old receipt : The french word for murderer is "assassin" that comes from the haschischins sect (XIe century). The "old men from the mountain" (leader) gave young mens a taste of paradise (cannabis, food, shelter, maybe girls) then sent them to kill someone.
jokes aside it could have been the plan : leave some land and let ukraine extend logistic line.
Napoleon did burn Moscow before the catastrophic Winter retreat, Hitler almost went to Moscow during Barbarossa, at the end Russia survived