You're boring, stickers are fun.
Note that the official debugger doesn't work on it.
The pride flag comes from a fetch script called hyfetch.
Probably somewhere between kernel 6.8 and Fedora making it default (that's broad I know). I'm guessing around kernel 7.
The enby flag fits unexpectedly well to the charmeleon
I want to try it, but I'm definitely gonna wait a while first.
Yes, it's only compiled to bytecode, which still needs an interpreter.
It's a tiling window manager, like i3 or bspwm.
You have to pick out all the software (terminal, filemanager, text editor, whatever else a DE provides idk, but also things like a panel or launcher) yourself. Easy choices for that are KDE software (Konsole, Dolphin, Kate, etc), waybar, and rofi-wayland.
It also doesn't have a settings application (unless you use the very WIP and pretty outdated hyprset), all the configuration is in a file.
The websites will just think that it's your default font.
My educated guess on the details of that neofetch:
OS: Asahi Linux (something)
Host: Apple (something)
Kernel: x.9.7-(something)
Uptime: 23 mins
Packages: 1253 (rpm)
Shell: zsh 5.9
Resolution: (not 1920x1080)
DE: Hyprland
WM: Sway
Theme: tokyonight-dark (something) [GTK3]
Icons: tokyonight-dark [GTK3]
Terminal: alacritty
Terminal Font: Fira Code Nerd Font
CPU: (no clue)
Memory: (something) / (probably 48k mb)
Anyways you're cute :3
If you're only putting them on the back, you're doing it wrong.