
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Do we know if those 2800+ injured are mostly militants, or mostly civilian?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

... That's a very good point actually. Vacuums are rather insulating. Without convection cooling from a fluid, you're relying on radiative heat transfer for cooling, and that's piss poor.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Easy loophole. Tell Eastern European countries they can do whatever the hell they want. I think several have a score to settle with Russia.

But seriously if Putin would prefer to not have deep strikes into Russia, then maybe we could meet him halfway -- send a NATO coalition to Ukraine and steamroll Russia out. Including from Crimea.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Weirdly enough, it was also to help save Muslim people. White Muslims, but still.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I think overall that is very much so the case. This is the exception, not the norm.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

It's one of the very few ethical ways to become a billionaire I think. If you sell an album or book for $10, and you're a global sensation, it's reasonable you'll get 100 million people buying it. It just falls on you then to use that money for his good reasons and adequately compensate people who support you. And Swift has generally been really good about that.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Well put.

I'm sure plenty of people would be happy to be a personal assistant for searching, summarizing, and compiling information, as long as they were adequately paid for it.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago (3 children)

There is an easy answer to this, but it's not being pursued by AI companies because it'll make them less money, albeit totally ethically.

Make all LLM models free to use, regardless of sophistication, and be collaborative with sharing the algorithms. They don't have to be open to everyone, but they can look at requests and grant them on merit without charging for it.

So how do they make money? How goes Google search make money? Advertisements. If you have a good, free product, advertisement space will follow. If it's impossible to make an AI product while also properly compensating people for training material, then don't make it a sold product. Use copyright training material freely to offer a free product with no premiums.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Copyright is a lesser evil compared to taking human labor and creativity for free to sell a product.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So how do you know that she's actually against genocide and not just saying it to get some support? If nobody has to trust her word, then why believe her there?

What has she done? Is she organizing demonstrations to protest against Israel and in favor of a cease fire? Is she using her party apparatus to fundraise and donate 100% of proceeds to Gaza aid? Is she trying to speak with Biden, Blinken, or even Democrat congressional members who agree with her?

Or is she just lazing on Twitter and saying how awful it is while also excusing Russia's casus belli into Ukraine?

This whole thing is symbolic of her failure, lack of seriousness, and grifting. She isn't actually doing anything for the causes she claims are super important and her top priority. She's just being a Twitter activist and saying she's very concerned. Stein doesn't do things. She says things. Her actions don't reflect any convictions.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

No, but why would you trust the word of someone who makes those arguments?

If she thinks wifi may cause cancer, that we can totally phase out fossil fuels with no loss in quality of life by 2030, that we should phase out nuclear energy, and that we should entertain vaccine skepticism... Why should I even bother to listen to an anti science quack like her?

I want the genocide to end. I want someone in power who wants it to end and has a plan to make it end. Everything Jill Stein has said suggests to me she has no idea how reality actually works, nor that she has any ideas on how to achieve her stated goals. She's just virtue signaling.

Now, a good leader can't do or plan everything. They aren't going to come up with every solution. That's what they have advisors and like-minded allies in Congress for. If Stein was elected, she would have no fellow Greens in Congress, and we have no guarantee that she'd actually pick experts as her advisors -- I'd actually expect the contrary from someone who thinks Wi-Fi causes cancer. But we don't really know because the Green Party is utterly ineffectual and just cosplays every 4 years.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

How many nuclear plants have been built?

You do realize that Stein is against nuclear power and the Green Party constantly fear mongers against it?


You'd think midterms would be a great time to get your name out there and run high profile candidates to win House districts led by charlatans...


Not much info at time of posting what prompted the man to do so


The article has a fantastic line about how Johnson's views are so out of step, even the majority of the conservative justices on the supreme court don't champion them. He agrees with Thomas, and Thomas is exceptionally unique in just how insanely conservative he is.

As a fun bonus, the article also has quotes of him praising Trump, if you ever wanted to see the moral bankruptcy of evangelicals laid completely bare to see.


He still refuses to budge, even after Republicans were eviscerated on election day for abortion. They're going to keep getting hit for it until they can rein in true believers like Tuberville.


I'm rather curious to see how the EU's privacy laws are going to handle this.

(Original article is from Fortune, but Yahoo Finance doesn't have a paywall)


Which of the following sounds more reasonable?

  • I shouldn't have to pay for the content that I use to tune my LLM model and algorithm.

  • We shouldn't have to pay for the content we use to train and teach an AI.

By calling it AI, the corporations are able to advocate for a position that's blatantly pro corporate and anti writer/artist, and trick people into supporting it under the guise of a technological development.


There's just something fucking hilarious about laying off employees, mocking them, and being sued for improperly firing them -- and then whining that your competitor hired them and that they have access to Twitter information still.

I believe this fits well under the "fuck around and find out" doctrine.

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