They believe what they want to believe. That's why they demand the highest scrutiny for everything that Israel says but greedily eat up every number that Hamas puts out. The complete fantasy story about the "destroyed" hospital meant nothing to them.
"From the river to the sea" has lost them all sympathy they would have been able to gather in Europe.
TBH you don't have to find the perfect distro - just one that is better than the BS Microsoft peddles. And that gets easier and easier.
Did they also run over a horse like the ambulance? Damned IDF, dropping horses everywhere!
Well of course, but is there anyone actually disappointed in that? After release it went completely silent around the game as if Ubisoft was ashamed of it. I think most of the people who were ever going to play it did so once in the weeks after its release and that was it then.
100%. People here scream "genocide" and "war crimes" but have no idea what these words mean. The "friends" of Palestine here make even Reddit look normal.
And yet they keep firing missiles at Israel.
Disgusting comparison. And you probably wonder why you get called an antisemite.