Leider doch. Bin seit etwa einem Jahr in der PKV und kann es kaum fassen, was ich alles an Behandlungen bekomme und in welcher Geschwindigkeit. Die Diskrepanz zwischen privat und gesetzlich ist komplett obszön.
To be fair, it wasn't a completely serious answer to the question. I do really believe what I said but I'm aware that Lynch isn't for everyone.
Mulholland Drive. Not only is it the best movie ever made, it also has everything: love, romance, crime, horror, humor, action, mystery, ...
Achsoo, ok. Deutlich besser. ;)
Grundsätzlich nett, aber garantiert kaufe ich kein Produkt aus einer Flasche, die Kevin-Günther zu Hause mal halbherzig unter den Wasserhahn gehalten hat.
Frage mich auch, was der Post soll.
Yeah, same here. It's a pretty specific demand when bluetooth headphones have become really good and actually have a lot of advantages compared to wired ones. Also there is always the option to use a USB C dongle so it's really not that big of a deal.
They explain very thoroughly on their website why they did it:
Die 12 Wochen, in denen der Abbruch straffrei ist, sind schon auch ziemlich knapp bemessen. Und es gibt kaum Angebote, was sicherlich auch damit zusammenhängt, dass es so ein extremes Tabuthema ist. Dabei hilft Illegalität des Ganzen nun wirklich nicht.
The moment Adobe Creative Cloud works on Linux, I'll switch. Until then I'll have to stick with Windows.
It is mine. There is a room with each tenant' washing machine in the basement and that is a typical situation in Germany.
Wait, wait, wait. When the video starts showing the constable, he is already holding his leg out in front of him, as if to force the driver to stop. No kicking motion can be seen in the video. So it's legal to just hit someone who is holding his leg out in front of your car (however stupid that may be), injure him seriously and then just drive away?!