Tesla is most of his personal wealth, it would matter to him. It just might not stop him.
There's no such thing as "authorization". The US can make whatever deals it likes, it doesn't mean Ukraine has to listen. There's no such thing as "international enforcement" in the first place, just individual nations flexing power on other nations.
US weapons are important to Ukraine, so the US could flex that power and try to make Ukraine do what it says by withholding them, but if they think they can go it alone or Europe steps up, they don't need to listen.
Tankies are just extremely weird people.
No you didn't. Every major country has standing armies well over 100k. The entire EU has ~1.3M active duty troops.
Just FYI to other readers, this is just made up. Like not even "did a search and is being a little hyperbolic", just not even in the vague realm of reality.
I don't understand how you can complain about someone being "violent" while destroying people's jobs and taking away critical social services. People have already died from their actions, but they're white and using a computer, so it's not violence.
That's still not being a scientist. Might as well induct Steve Jobs or the Sacklers.
One side being weaker and reliant on outside support is not what makes something a proxy war.
I think you'd need a little more than that to make sure the restriction isn't used defensively by harassers (one of the reasons people ask for this is to show others bad behavior in their replies). But it does feel like a solvable problem.
And Mastodon having more active moderation (since you can proactively look for an instance that meets your moderation expectations) also means the stuff that can't be handled mechanically can be managed.
Claims to illegality are part of the toolset of building the opposition to respond to a coup. "It's all over, what the law says doesn't matter" is what's actually counterproductive.
We are very much not taking about space aliens and "people get charged but the court case doesn't release classified information" is very different from them not getting charged or getting disappeared.
I've never once in my life considered car dealerships an institution that does anything at all to "protect consumers".