Literally every goddamn islamic state terrorist in existence!? Killing everyone who doesn't share your religious believes, working towards an ethnically cleansed country, believing in strong authoritarian leadership,... I dunno, sounds pretty far right to me.
AfD voters don't like any sane thought very much. They're Nazis and they should be treated as such. The AfD has connections to terrorists, Holocaust deniers and violent criminals. Even some of their members are convicted criminals. No decent human would ever consider voting for these criminals.
We have to fight these bastards everywhere they appear. Put them in prison or deport them just like they themselves demand it all the time!
Ori and the Blind Forest! The story, the gameplay, the progression, the level design. Everything just fits together perfectly and then there's the soundtrack. God, I love that game!
You know, I actually think it's the miniblocks datapack for Minecraft. That's the only "mod" that is included in every single world I play in. Every other mod in every other game is kind of optional, but I'll never play Minecraft without miniblocks ever again. Not that I use them a ton, but they singlehandedly managed to actually get me exceited for the wandering trader again!
Bitte nicht BSW. M.M. nach profitiert die Linke grade massiv davon, dass sie dieses Putin-verehrende Krebsgeschwür losgeworden sind. Die BSW soll bitte einfach den Einzug in den Bundestag verpassen!
Enderal and also its predecessor Nehrim are absolutely amazing! They're so fantastic, I don't even consider them mods, I see them as full games.
PS: Yes, I know Arkwend exists. But I've never played it because I personally dislike Morrowind and its gameplay systems. Especially the god aweful random hit chance system Oblivion got me into RPGs so that will forever be my gold standard for RPG games.