Me gusta.
I'm only watching someone play through but it's just poorly written too. Every single person you meet knows you're the main character and begs for your help.
I give more to society than you or the parasites you worship.
We often only know the propaganda by the way it contradicts the logistics.
The first and longest lasting of all prisons.
Somebody should make a CP77 homeless mod where you're trying not to get run over or shot by upper middle class trust fund kids playing gangster in the street.
That's what the authorities want you to think. They don't consider anything civilized unless it's suffering under their rule.
And most of what was recorded is logistics and propaganda.
Thailand living the American Nightmare.
I think they've got suicide pills, but I'd sit and watch everything end. Can't beat that view.
I caught myself saying LOL the other day.
It's more than just disagreement. It's disagreement in defiance of logic and reason. Bad faith actors.