
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

I can vouch for reolink, they have fairly straight forward nvr with decent cameras for the money. Been using their poe nvr system for around 5 years now and have never had an issue with it.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago (2 children)

But Spartan women weren't that bad off, compared to other places in antiquity

We also white wash Spartan history pretty dramatically. Yes, Spartan women who were citizens were better off than their Athenian counterparts. However, that's not saying much when you consider spartan citizens were a fraction of the population of Sparta.

The vast majority of women in Sparta were helots, and were subject to chattel slavery. I don't think you can claim that Spartans cared about gender equality when they had an entire social class made up of the bastards produced by raping their slaves.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago

Depends on the plastic, you can safely heat most polypropylene and polyethylene based plastics. If it's putting off noxious fumes then it probably has urethane, styrene, or vinyl in it.

The worst plastic to overheat that I've worked with is kydex. Even though it's most common application is as a thermoplastic, if you over heat it the stuff off gasses hydrogen chloride.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This isn't going to be accurate, it's ignoring a key aspect of the heat that will be generated, friction. When designing materials for prosthetics we have to be aware of how much friction occurs between the material and skin. If the amount of friction is too great, the material can create enough heat to damage tissue.

The formula for the skin friction coefficient is cf=τw12ρeue2, where ρe and ue are the density and longitudinal velocity at the boundary layer's edge.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Tbh, I would love to see it. But our railway infrastructure is dog shit atm, and we wouldn't be able to expand the network fast enough to accommodate something as luxurious as a railway hospital until much later.

My first goal would be to expand the network to the point where cars are unnecessary for the vast majority of my citizens. This would both increase rail traffic to acceptable levels and help alleviate the unnecessary healthcare cost and harm of motor vehicle accidents.

Become my peon, every peon gets healthcare and can apply to drive an electric train. Me -2024

[–] [email protected] 42 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

I too have thousands of reasons why I shouldn't be in charge of a country, however I do have one good pitch.

My appointment to dictatorship would be guided solely by autism. I guarantee my powers will only be focused upon my two fixations that deal with the general public, trains and healthcare.

If made supreme leader I will not only make the trains run on time, there will be more trains, more hospitals, we would even have trains that can take you to your job at the hospital. I would shape the perfect world for me, and vicariously a more efficient and safer world for you.

Demand Me for dictator 2024

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Yeah..... This is a bit sketchy. Pharmaceuticals aren't just something that an amateur can make by following step by step instructions. Even something as simple as baking a cake requires some basic experience to know when things are going right or wrong.

Even maintaining the calibration on a CLR requires some background experience, let alone building and programming one all on your own. With your actual reactor being as small as a mason jar, it means the margin for error is going to be small as well.

This is neat for people with a background in chemistry, but I don't really see it as anything but dangerous for the general public. They also are fudging their math a bit to make things seem a lot cheaper. Reagents can be really cheap at bulk prices, but you have to spend the time looking for them, and they aren't equating the cost of a trained chemist making these medications.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

You are using the people claiming there is a genocide as the source for the claim.

That's typically how investigations work.... There's an accusation, and then an investigation to find evidence that supports the claim. They aren't using people as a source for the claim, they're using the evidence the people gathered.

You on the other hand seem to be focused on who gathered the information instead of what they gathered.

Welcomes** the outcomes of the visit conducted by the General Secretariat's delegation upon invitation from the People's Republic of China; commends the efforts of the People's Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens; and looks forward to further cooperation between the OIC and the People's Republic of China.

This is anecdotal evidence from a political organization that has a well established history of ignoring the plight of specific Islamic ethnic minorities, including the Kurds in Syria and Turkey, the Ahwaz in Iran, the Hazaras in Afghanistan, the 'Al-Akhdam' in Yemen, and the Berbers in Algeria.

Over 50+ UN member states (mostly Muslim-majority nations)

Again, anecdotal evidence which does not detail the accusations, nor how their experience contradicts that accusation.

The World Bank sent a team to investigate in 2019 and found that, "The review did not substantiate the allegations."

Using this as "evidence" is just academically dishonest. The "team" was a single bank manager, and the "investigation's" scope was solely to insure that a 50m dollar loan for 3 different schools were not being used to commit crimes against humanity.

The bank claimed that the specific schools they investigated did not substantiate the allegations, however they found enough to decide they wanted to minimize the project.

"In light of the risks associated with the partner schools, which are widely dispersed and difficult to monitor, the scope and footprint of the project is being reduced. Specifically, the project component that involves the partner schools in Xinjiang is being closed."

China’s mass imprisonment and forced labor of ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang amounts to crimes against humanity—but there was insufficient evidence to prove genocide

I think you are forgetting the accusations of the population control of an ethnic minority. "The 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which lists birth prevention targeting an ethnic group as one act that could qualify as genocide."

Comparative Analysis: The War on Terror

Again, a logical fallacy. Just because America has participated in genocide does not mean that China cannot also participate in genocide or crimes against humanity.

Who is driving the Uyghur genocide narrative

Another logical fallacy.... You are attacking the man, not the evidence or argument.

He relies heavily on limited and questionable data sources, particularly from anonymous and unverified Uyghur sources, coming up with estimates based on assumptions which are not supported by concrete evidence.

The vast majority of the evidence he's gathered for his peer reviewed study are gathered directly from public data released by the Chinese government. There have also been some data from a leaked cable, which have been validated by multiple investigative bodies of journalists across the world.

As materialists, we should always look first to the economic base for insight into issues occurring in the superstructure. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a massive Chinese infrastructure development project that aims to build economic corridors, ports, highways, railways, and other infrastructure projects across Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Xinjiang is a key region for this project.

This is a biased interpretation of materialism. A similarly biased claim based on materialism would be that the Belt and Roads initiative motivated china to ethnically cleanse a region vital to the initiative.

On a personal note, I don't think the lable of genocide is really important. What is important is that an ethnic minority is being abused by a State. And while there is a lot of misinformation and politicing surrounding the topic, there's still an alarming amount of data that suggest China is forcibly assimilating an ethnic minority group.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

white supremacists who came up with the verbiage you don't like in the room right now?

Nah, just their legacy....

no real reason to split hairs

Not ignoring one of the largest crimes against humanity = splitting hairs...... Interesting.

don't want to be associated with white people, I guess. I would call that racism honestly. Would you call that Asian supremacy?

You do realize you are the only person separating people based on skin color? My wife is German, I don't hold her country's past against her. But, if she was a Holocaust denier, or attempted to become a Nazi apologist, things would be different.


The internalized guilt is strong with you....

I don't know that Muslims are white tho... So that's not very careful about language.

Islam is a religion you idiot, it's not a race, or an ethnicity......Also, you are the only person legitimately utilizing skin color to categorize people. I don't care what your pigmentation is, that's not the thing that makes you a racist moron.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

don't generally split hairs on enslaving people to make a racist argument that my people are better in some way

We're not talking about modern people, nor are we blaming modern people for their ancestors behaviour. We are examining the crimes historic people did to other historic people, which do vary in different degrees in scale and violence.

The racism you are accused of isn't because of your people's past, it's because you are still utilizing the same racist classification system and justifications that led to their crimes in the first place.

would I prefer being an Asian woman being group raped by Asian men until death, would I rather be castrated and worked to death in persia, would I rather he worked to death an whipped on a plantation, would I rather be a house slave for the Ting (which by the way they said they were very nice to their slaves and I bet they was never a bad experience!), would I rather be a Chinese space to the Khan?

Lol, a lot of writing to admit you just don't care about the suffering caused by chattel slavery in America. I didn't claim that there weren't horrific versions of slavery in east Asia, though you are exaggerating certain aspects. What I claimed is that there is a difference in scope and cruelty, compared between the two, which is just a fact.

none of them sound like a race is better than the other,

Lol, still about race for you huh.

you are making a racial argument based on the nuances of slavery and it's kinda silly!

Lol, ethnicity does not = race you fucking idiot.

The whole point of this is that race is construct that can't be used to actually examine the ethnic prejudices that happened in a specific area at a specific time.


Says the person defending an argument developed by white supremacists.....

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Do I put a value difference between the Atlantic slave trade/chattel slavery and the sexual slavery of the Vietnamese women, or Korean women? No I guess I don't! Every version of slavery is both abhorrent and devalues human life, and a well kept slave is functionally still a slave.

Lol, so the amount of people, the amount of violence, the amount of time it's practiced, and for what reasons are all meaningless to you?

So if you had a choice of being from Africa and taken from their homeland and forced into perpetual slavery in the US, where your children could be whipped to death in front of you, or sold down the river for no reason. Or you could be in indebted servitude to a rich family in the tang dynasty who used you as a doorman, but you still got to go home to your family who weren't enslaved at the end of the day.

Both choices would be equal for you? That's just a false equivocation that is willfully ignorant to the actual human suffering that's occurred.

This is just as bad as people claiming that the Irish had it just as bad in America as people in chattel slavery in the South because they were both technically "enslaved".

you desperately want Western slavery to somehow be worse than Eastern slavery.

Because it's not even close...... The chattel slavery that occurred in the Americas is widely regarded by historians as some of the worst forms of slavery in recorded history. By what ever criteria you are ranking it, whether it be by volume, lack of rights, deaths, or in human suffering.

This is not a controversial or even drastic claim. The technology and social hierarchy that allowed them to transport and organize that many people into chattel slavery was even possible prior to the transatlantic slave trade.

feel like you just ignored any examples that do meet your criteria

I've responded with a clear explanation to all of your ridiculously racist claims this whole time. Even providing sources that explain exactly how you came up with your assumptions. You on the other hand have ignored every question and have failed to explain how your claims are pertinent to the conversation.

Honestly just sounds like exceptionalism to me. Again, sounds like you are a racist.

Ahh yes, a rebuttal that disproves a highly inaccurate claim..... Exceptionalism.

Again, how do I seem racist? I already said east asians can be racist, I've already said they've had slaves. The only thing I am denying is your inaccurate use of the word racism under specific context, and denying your clearly inaccurate claims African slave trade happening in East Asia during a specific dynasty.

You on the other hand have made generalized claims about race this whole time, in an effort to conflate all slavery as being equally bad.

You don't seem like a racist, based on your claims you are a racist. Go kick rocks.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

So you think the idea of humans as personal property was a Western invention that specifically the East Asians didn't engage in?

Slavery has occurred in nearly every society throughout human history, the abnormality which is unique to chattel slavery is the legal system that evolved to protect the owners right in totality. Even in ancient examples that most closely resemble the chattel slavery practiced in the Americas, there were still social contracts that prevented the enslaved from the levels of dire abuse African slaves experienced in the Americas.

Are you arguing that Asian slavery is better because slaves occasionally had rights?

Are you claiming that all slavery is equally bad? That being an indentured servant is the same as chattel slavery? Seems like a pretty convenient attitude for someone who is trying to distance themselves from the largest example of chattel slavery in recorded history.

think the slaves of the Khmer might disagree with you most recently.

Lol, once again equating two totally separate societies and cultures as the same because racist from hundreds of years ago labeled anyone east of turkey as Asian. Cambodia is in South East Asia......

It's crazy how you don't see that trying to justify your position with race science is in fact racist. What exactly do you believe validates your examples of Arab slave trade and the Khmer being pertinent to a conversation about East Asia?

well known the Tang dynasty in China kept Western slaves.

Lol, no it really isn't. You are utilizing your preconceptions about skin color and projecting it to a misinterpretation of a mystical story from the 9th century.

When someone from the tang dynasty is speaking about "westerns" they aren't talking about Europeans, the Arab world, or Africa. They are usually referring to places immediately west of China or West China. In the case of the Kunlun, they are more than likely talking about modern day Malaysia and Cambodia.

Here is a good breakdown of the Kunlun in China, with sources.

Again, you are applying your preconceptions of racial science to a people that predated it, and have a vastly different understanding of things like skin color. The Kunlun weren't all slaves, and the type of slavery that did happen was no where close to chattel slavery.

This is a great example of racism in action. You are generalizing an entire continent, the one with a majority of the world's population, and conflating them to be the same peoples based on criteria that was developed by racial science. The reason this debate has gotten so misconstrued is because the system you utilize to categorize ethnic groups isn't based on any legitimate or logical basis.

Racism is prejudice applied through the lens of racial science. There's a similar prejudice that occurs in ethnic prejudice, that can lead to similarly devastating results as racism, but usually on a much smaller scale.

Racial prejudice isn't based on any real criteria that can be consistently measured or predicted. Which can lead to people classifying an entire Continent of people as the same and lesser than. Instead of a conflict between two rival ethnic groups, it can lead to things like the Scramble for Africa.

I don't know how you can't see that as being relevant, and I honestly don't know why you have a problem with me utilizing a more correct terminology. Utilizing ethnic prejudice is correct when race isnt a factor. Is this the first time you've heard of the terminology, or do you think it's never appropriate? Why do you think both terms are used in academia if you don't think there's a delineation between the two?

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