
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

You're being downvoted, but you're right. Every adapter I've bought for a full sized hard drive has needed its own power supply. I'm not sure if I've seen one for a PATA drive that didn't come with one.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I wonder how much something like that would answer the why too. As an example, if a person threw something across a room and broke it without an obvious reason, could you look at a complete record of their history, and the history of the people around them, and figure out the reason. Would you be able to see signs of anger building through the day and look back to the root cause?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I read an Arthur C Clarke book a few years ago, and it was based around a device that could see anything, anywhere, some sort of microscopic portal I think. One of the characters used it to look back in time following someone's DNA, so seeing their mother, then their mother's mother and so on, and eventually saw the intelligence disappear from the distant ancestors eyes. I'm wording it badly, but the idea stuck with me.

I'd love to know when that first spark of intelligence showed up, that separated us from animals, and what our ancestors either side of that divide did differently and similarly. I doubt that there would have been any significant differences at first, but those subtle differences could be fascinating :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I have nothing to add but Cartman


[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Did anyone see what I did on a may 16th 2011 at 7:16pm?

Wait, that was you?! 😱

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Ah, sorry, I didn't think of that side of things. I was thinking more along the lines of it could solve things that everyone agrees is a crime, like murder.

My line of thought was more just would you want the easy answers, or would you prefer to have to work for them.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Out of curiosity, what sort of things would you explore? I enjoy researching certain things, so having all the answers would spoil that for me.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

the success of Ed Sheerin

That made me snort laugh :D

I'd really just want to know dumb stuff...

I like your thinking. I was thinking mostly about stuff that is hard to research, the more serious things, I hadn't thought about the 'dumb' stuff too. That sounds like a lot more fun :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Also, I'd use it to figure out when my kids are lying. They all break my shit, but I want to know who to blame for what.

That raises an interesting question - where would the balance be between their privacy and your rights as a parent. You need to know at least some of their private information to teach them as you raise them, but would something like the scenario you raised cross the line into being invasive?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

I haven't seen enough of One Piece to ask bait questions yet, I'm only half way through the Netflix series :)

I was thinking that jobs would be one of the solved problems, as in you only have to work if you want to. I'm more curious about whether people would prefer to do the research because they enjoy it, or if they'd rather just tell the computer to give them their full family tree, for example.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago

I'm Welsh, and my wife is a Welsh speaker, and we both missed that one 🙈🤣

[–] [email protected] 24 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I can't comment on how many documents you have, but there's a free version of Office 365


A few years ago I bought an old Mac, PowerPC I think, but it doesn't work properly. If I boot normally only one of the two CPU cores works, but both work in safe mode.

I imagine that there are ways to repair it, but as it's second hand, I would probably be better off with a clean installation. I've never owned a Mac before, so although it's outdated, I'd rather get it back to a default state than install Linux, and it also means that once I've finished with it I can pass it on to someone else who would appreciate it.

Is there a way to get the installation media? From what I remember from the last time I tried to get it running, it can use either Snow Leopard or Mountain Lion (10. something?)

Thanks in advance :)


Hi all :)

I'm looking for a Kindle app replacement for my phone and Kindle Fire, ideally one that can get my Amazon books if possible.

I want to be able to add books through Calibre, and sync them to the furthest page read on all devices, and I want to be able to store all my books without the app removing them.

Does anyone know of an app that does this please?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Are there any good tools for listing your current programs, maybe exporting settings etc. Listing hidden settings and save locations would be great too.

I'm about 90% ready to switch to Linux full time, and I want to make sure that I've got everything. I've got a horrible feeling that I'm missing something, but I can't think what it might be.

EDIT: Ironically, I forgot to mention my ADHD / memory issues. I could do with a tool like this because I forget about anything that I'm not currently using, or actively thinking about using soon >.<


Or another container type if there's a better one?

My server was originally connected to my TV to run Kodi and play some games while serving files, so it's running Xubuntu. While it works well for the most part, I want to set it up properly, and be able to move the services to a new system when the time comes.

I was thinking that Docker, or another container system, would probably be best, because as well as hopefully being able to be moved, installing new software shouldn't affect anything else.

Am I on the right track? Can containers be moved to another system without needing to be set up again?

I'm running the *arr suite two Java Minecraft servers Plex media server Two copies of qBittorent NZBGet Ombi Mylar Codex and probably some others that I've forgotten.

While I'm at it, is there a best OS to base everything on? Preferably free. The server is a 4th generation i5 with 32GB RAM, and currently about 10TB of HDD space, with a small SSD for boot, and a Quadro graphics card for transcoding.

Thanks in advance :)


I found the site and tried to check, but it wouldn't show me anything without being logged in, so I created an account. Now that I'm signed in though, I can only find vague rules, like

The User's account is for personal use only. Only the individual who holds the account is allowed to connect on it. Connections to the User's account are recorded so that we can detect account sharing. The User agrees to keep his login secret, We won't offer technical support for account hacking.

How does this work with a phone or laptop, for example? What if I sign in at my parents house when I visit for a few days?

Can anyone help please?


Hi all :)

I've been using MediaMonkey on Windows 10 and Android to organise my music, playlists, audiobooks, and podcasts, including syncing them to my phone. MediaMonkey has let me down again, so I'm looking to switch, and as I'm trying to switch to Linux too, now would be a good time to get a Linux media manager.

One of the main ways that I use MM is by either building a playlist and transferring the whole thing, or adding to a playlist and just syncing the new tracks. I prefer the tracks to be placed in their artist / album directory though, rather than a directory for the playlist.

I also use MM on Windows to organise my tracks with online metadata, usually from Discogs, so that it matches the entry for the album. I store my media under music\sorted\album artist\album name\track no - artist - title, with a similar setup for audiobooks and podcasts, and would prefer to do the same with the new software.

Does anyone know of anything that can do this please?

I've looked at Strawberry and Cinnamon, but development seems to have stopped, and I don't know enough about things like flaws and bugs to know if they're still safe to use.

Thanks in advance for your help :)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've got an Epson Stylus SX435W all in one. It's working with Image Scan! for Linux 2.30.4, but is not being detected by Epson Scan 2. I've checked everything I can find, it just looks like my scanner is too old for the software.

Simple Scan seems to be too simple, but I don't want to have to launch something like GIMP and manually tweak everything.

I ideally want something with a built in colour enhancement tool like the Epson Windows software, and something that will remember the directory and name of the scan e.g. if I set it to ~/Pictures/Scans/Scan001.jpg, the next scan will automatically be ~/Pictures/Scans/Scan002.jpg etc. Descreening and Backlight Correction are both tools that I use fairly regularly too, as I mostly scan old photos. There's a screenshot of the Windows Epson software on this page if it helps:


Does anyone know of anything that might be a good alternative please?

EDIT: I'm just trying out XSane now. XSane and Image Scan! both give a slight colour cast, purple on this particular photo, but XSane seems to have more control over the settings.

I'm currently avoiding VueScan due to the price. While it does look like it's great software, I can't currently justify paying £50 when I've already got working software under Windows.


I run Mylar on my Xubuntu server to manage my comic collection. I found out recently that there's a tool that can convert the embedded .jpgs to .webp to save space, but it only works on cbz files and not cbr (zipped vs rar for those who don't know). I wanted to convert all of my cbr to cbz so that I could run the tool on all my comics, so I needed to search hundreds of subdirectories for them and move them to the same folder to be processed.

Under Windows, I'd just type *.cbr into the search bar built into Explorer from the root comic directory, hit enter to get a list of files, select them all, and move them to the new folder. On Xubuntu, it's nothing like as simple.

I found the search option in Thunar which opened Catfish, typed in *.cbr, and got a no files found message. After looking through the very limited options, I started searching for a way to do it. About thirty minutes later I'd found dozens of links telling me to use different, Terminal only, tools, but nothing about how to search subdirectories from the Catfish GUI. Purely by accident, I found a post from 2012 that mentioned the fact that Catfish doesn't use wildcards, so just search with .cbr, something that's not mentioned in the official docs.

I tried it, and it searched the subdirectories too, and found my files! Except there was no way to copy or cut and paste, just open, show in file manager, copy location, save as, or delete. No good options for almost 500 files across several dozen locations.

I ended up asking Chat GPT how to do it, and doing it through the Terminal, using this:

'find . -type f -name "*.cbr" -exec mv {} /path/to/destination ;'

This is pretty basic functionality, and I had to resort to getting help to use the Terminal :(

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