Since your a comedy connoisseur surely you also know that there are jokes that comedians will often tell each other but often aren’t done in public. Here is a famous example:
Edgy comedians often perform in night clubs and generally to older audiences who you can expect to take the nuances of edgy jokes. I agree that if you go and watch an edgy comedian in a comedy club and don’t like the performance that’s on you.
No not as an insult. Just I got called it and I just said it back as I said no hard r. I was intoxicated and going through some mental health shit. I’m admitting it to prove a point that it’s very different when you say shit online then when you say it in real life, I would could of been hurt and would of deserved it as well but I talked to the guy I said it to and it turned out ok. I also didn’t monetise me using the word to an audience of prepubescent children.