
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

I remember posting this question just after the Reddit exodus so went back to look at my stats from back then. According to the post I'd been on Lemmy for 12 days and had subscribed to:

  • 121 Lemmy communities
  • 42 Kbin magazines
  • 163 total

That was just on this account though, and I have two accounts with fairly different feeds. So let's say I was probably on a total of around 180-200 then across both accounts, and have been adding them at a slow but steady rate

That gives us a scientifically sound estimate of my current total subscriptions: a lot.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago

I can only speak for how it shows up on Mastodon, but over there any hashtags we try and add here just show up as plain text and don't show in the actual tag feed, so it does nothing for discoverability.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Actually will, cheers for the recommendation!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

UK answer: city 100% no question.

Being able to actually get places and do things and have people to do those things with, I don't even know how a small town could ever compare. Grew up in one, currently living in another one, both crap.

[–] [email protected] 55 points 5 months ago (30 children)

Somehow genuinely had no idea Gojira were French so, TIL!

Also wtf South Africa.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 5 months ago

Thank you for experiencing this so the rest of us don't have to.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

If you're the first person from your instance to subscribe to that community, you'll only see new posts. If there is a particular post or comment you want to reply to, though, you can grab the URL and put it into your instance's search box to sort of force it to federate across.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Shoutout to [email protected] for saving us when Liftoff went under.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago

Once managed to drop a bit on the floor without noticing, then step in it. Only realised when I attempted to suddenly turn and walk away, ripping my foot from the floorboard with a sound I shall never forget.

It was not a good day.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Crispy Hawaiian tofu with egg-fried rice. Normally eat it with regular rice but this is a special day and husband wanted to treat me since I've not been at all well these last few weeks. Bloody love egg-fried rice.

Now absolutely stuffed and feel like I never want to eat again, although he's already prepping our two-person Christmas dinner for tomorrow so I won't tell him that!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

You're a monster but honestly I respect it.


Now that 0.19 is in testing on a couple of servers we're faced with the reality that Liftoff is probably not going to be functional for much longer. So I'm curious what everyone's got planned.

Personally I've got my eye on [email protected] which is currently under development but looks like it might be the closest to my ideal. Developer describes it thusly:

I liked the feature richness of Liftoff (e.g. the possibility to explore all the communities of an external instance), the multi-community feature of Summit and the polished UI of Thunder and I wished I could have them all in the same app.

It's currently very promising, but also very buggy so I'm hopeful it might be in a more usable state by the time 0.19 starts majorly rolling out. We shall see. The dev put out a call for testers a couple days ago but I'm sure more wouldn't hurt if anyone wants to give it a whirl.

I've tried most of the main Android options by this point, Summit gets the most use just because of multi-communities (great for sports and other happening-right-now events) but I'm really not a fan of its interface.

Boost looks nice and simple, but I find a lot of the features to be just straight-up broken.

Sync and Eternity both put me off with their looks even though they look totally different to each other!

Connect would probably be my second choice so far, but I'd still need to keep Summit around for the multi-communities which is a bit annoying.

That's about the extent of my investigations at this point. Would love to hear which you've tried and what you like / dislike from the point of view of a Liftoff user. Let's get some recommendations ironed out before everything breaks and this group is overrun with people asking why 😅


Could be outstanding, could be something you've already completed.

I like to break my goals down into a sort of ladder with the eventual goal at the top, but smaller achievements on the way. So to that end my bucket list includes such gems as:

  • Go out for a meal alone
  • Buy a fancy ice lolly without feeling guilty about it
  • Climb up the nearby hill without stopping for a break
  • Reach out to for a catchup
  • Finish reading the whole Discworld book series (I never did read the last one, iykyk)
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