My ADHD would not allow me to function without reminders.
Best side effect of the insulated bottles is not having to use a coaster because they don't sweat.
Not sure I could get used to using transparent bags for dog poop.
My wife and I share the cars like this. Is it so weird? We usually select the best car for the job at hand.
I'm totally going to try this.
Thanks for this! I spent the better part of the last hour going through the older videos on that channel. Awesome stuff.
I still use Windows for work, but the last version I used on any of my personal computers was XP.
If AI is better than the existing voice-prompt systems, then I'll take it, but I doubt it will be.
Cold apples are the best!
I remember running Slackware and having to recompile the kernel for just about any hardware you added. I configured a box to be used as a router before routers were something you could get commonly at Best Buy.
I was taking comp. sci. at university and all our work was done on Sparc workstations. Having a Unix-like machine at home was a great help during that time
I see what you did there.
Good point. She commutes a few days per week, but I'm 100/% work from home. Can't say I miss commuting.