If it was just for me, then why would I suggest training, arming AND organizing?
Safety in numbers is a common delusion.
If it's not for you, why the fuck did you bring it up as part of "Well, they won't take ME without a fight!" macho posturing?
They aren’t herding me anywhere, without a fight.
That’s why we arm ourselves, and train, and organize.
That's you, right there.
Jesus fucking Christ.
You want to cosplay the resistance, read up on how things actually went under the Nazi regime.
If you and your friends aren't just LARPing in the same fucking way that "COME AND TAKE THEM" right-wing chuds do when they stroke their barrels over the prospect of fighting off a tyrannical government? That's great. But if so, all of you should understand that you aren't gambling that you'll win your individual fight with the fascists - you're gambling, first of all, that there will be a fight. And if you're smart, you're hoping that there won't be one - because irregular forces have the greatest success when there isn't a direct confrontation.
The chances are pretty fucking slim that you're going to be manning the trenches on a frontline between Good and Evil. The chances are pretty fucking slim that any safehouse you have is going to last more than ten minutes once discovered by government drones. Most days, in actual asymmetric warfare, your primary concern is the government not noticing you. Because if they do notice you, that's fucking it. And the fewer scruples the oppressive government has, the less chance you'll have to fight back. If they notice you, the institution with disproportionate resources and full-time goons to sic on you, they're going to choose where, when, and how the confrontation goes down, and "Politely, in the daytime, clearly marked coming down the street while you're on guard duty at the safe house" is not fucking likely to be the result.
If they notice you, the chances of there being a fight is slim. If they notice you, chances are you'll be in line for the camps with the rest of us, and no amount of crowing about how they'd never take YOU without a fight will mean a goddamn fig, and nor will any number of your plans about how you and your buddies will heroically defend your community. So stow the macho bullshit.