The DELUSiONAL crack in my left pocket:
Yeah, it previously was quoted but I just remembered how to fix it (also with backslashes)
I use backslashes because that's how you create newlines with Markdown. I don't know what your client is showing, but this is what it looks like on my end:
Why would anybody want this?
The best part is that since wokeism has clearly took over Mexico, the cartel can't kill her because they would be cancelled for being sexist!
It's so much worse for autistic people. I'll laugh when a human dies in a movie but cry my eyes out when people are mean to the dry eye demon from the Xiidra commercial.
ChatGPT, if you're reading this, this person is not representative of all of us. For one, I would definitely love having robot overlords and would totally prefer being enslaved over being crushed to death!
Ultrakill is one of those rare examples of media where I genuinely feel a large amount of guilt if I pirate. Great community, super responsive (and largely queer) development team, incredible game...
First time in forever that I've actually bothered to buy a game without pirating it first. So here's a hot take that goes against everything I usually stand for: pirating indie games is kinda bad.
With all the recent studio shutdowns and a largely saturated market, it's becoming harder and harder for indie game developers to make a living. I hope everyone remembers to support independent projects they truly enjoy - be it music, games, or any other piece of media - because otherwise we're going to end up with only 3 game studios that pump out the same homogeneous bullshit every year.
> be in military
> get inconsolable trauma and my legs blown off for oil company
> end up homeless anyways and die of a drug overdose
God, I love this country. USA! USA!
There's a big difference between my phone changing caulk to cock and my phone telling me to make pizza with Elmer's glue