Gerade Bayern 2 würde mir fehlen, ja.
Also: wtf are you watching?
First off: Not a pediatrician. Babies do not have a fully developed immune system. As such, a number of "unrefined, natural" foods such as honey can be critical due to the heavy bacterial load (don't worry, honey is perfectly safe for you). Cooked meat should not be an issue, I wouldn't do raw meat tho'. In fact, my first "proper" meal was apparently beef with carrots.
You may be onto something there
Chill out people. It's a guide for when you need to convince someone who is not convinced by your qualifications alone. If they have nothing else to go by (for whatever reason, good or bad), SOME of these questions are a valid option to figure out stuff that isn't on your résumé. If the hiring process is bad or yoz are simply a poor talker (which is okay) reading stuff like this can help you be prepared. In an ideal situation, you want a candidate to start talking on their own. That isn't always possible and sometimes pulling stuff through someone's nose is the best option.
Die Kritik am Begriff "Verbot" rührt daher, dass ja Bestandsfahrzeute weiterhin gentzt werden können. Bloß Neuzulassungen werden keine durchgeführt. Ja, faktisch werden die Autos damit vom markt genommen, es gibt aber Leute die so tun, als würde die Politik den Leuten das Auto wegnehmen und zwangsverschrotten.
First off: I am NOT an electrician. From what I know modern LiPos are much less likely to suffer catastrophic failure. These will lose charge over time, especially if plugged into something. Unless there is a voltmeter to ensure operation only with charged lipos, however, this will be very slow. A Lipo running out in such a way might swell and definitely be damaged beyond repain. It should probably still not burst into flames. So in short: I think you should be fine.
Of a second I read "redistribution" there and was very surprised.
Insbesondere wundert mich, was der Herr jetzt für eine Antwort will. Soll der sagen "Ich bin zwar in Bochum geboren, aber manche Menschen glauben, ich wurde in [Hier Hauptstadt einfügen] geboren.". Ehrlich, was für eine dumme Frage.
Fair point, although I'm not sure if that is actually the case. If it is, however, remember that Link ought to be the same age. Also, it's meant to be funny.