Valve's steam provides values to consumer but aren't entirely "consumer friendly". Some of their "give ins" are entirely because of competition.
- self refund and refund window, directly copy EA's origin.
- allow big publisher to negotiate store cut, direct response to Epic's store cut.
- linux push is entirely for steam's own survival, not a pro-consumer move.
- their policy changes on steam reviews over the years.
- the Steam UI revamp multiple times and makes discovery pretty messy when they tried to gamify the discovery process. All for easier marketing campaign pushes. (I found it pretty annoying, but I also don't like the Netflix style on EGS or other store front.)
- Valve's market place and their key/lootbox and cross game drops are among the pioneers just shy of the scummy gacha from the mobile space.
- Valve's policy dictates that you can not sell at lower price on different store front. Ie. a game dev selling on EGS can take off 18% and get the same amount of revenue from the store front, but they can't price lower because of Valve's policy. That's not consumer friendly.
The fact that Valve can just charge 30% even if a developer didn't use "any" steam feature is simply because they can. And we are all eating the cost cause developers have to factor that in as well.
There is actually a case going on regarding the platform pricing parity.
And there are other articles that checks for if you can sell at lower price(without temp sales) on EGS, only 5 out of 41 did so. I take it with some handful of salt cause ars didn't actually list out the games and who is the publisher behind those 5. That's why I post the first link from a developer's stand point. We will only know details once the case developed more.
Regarding reviews, it's like manage or moderate a forum, but it has huge impact if your changes aren't communicated, I just list this one but if you are more interested you can dig up older/newer changes. Simply put, if it wasn't through backlash and developers pulling teeth to push some odd changes like this back to a more neutral place. (ie. Early Access Reviews, Product received for free, product refunded tags are all much later than this article.) Steam's reviews would be something like youtube shorts that I simply skip. Is it better in the end? I don't know, cause you can still influence how popular a review is by the upvote/found useful from marketing campaign. Extra costs from developer to marketing(and still subject them to exploits), harder to navigate for consumer(like Amazon reviews), it's really messy and not really consumer/producer friendly.
I put my points in simply because there is a overwhelming "worshiping" of Valve/Steam that make the 30% cut seems justifiable, and distribution for digital good seriously can't be more expensive than physicals right? you can go check how much average Amazon charges seller even given it's dominant position as digital market place. Or simply put it this way, youtube/netflix/social bandwidth consumption is bigger than game distributions for average user. It might be a case for triple-As that come at ~45G per game but vast majority of games are about 1~2 hours worth of streaming(<20GB), I'd like Valve simply provide a usage based charge like cloud providers and developers can pick and choose what features they wanted to pay accordingly. 30% cut is not normal just as lootbox is not normal, they did it simply because they can. (as in traditional brick-and-mortar shop like BestBuy charging extras for cables etc, even with Amazon as competitor.)
Sorry if I miss some parts to provide follow ups, simply too tired to focus on stuff. Mark my words, once Gabe passed gamers are gonna have the reckoning coming for them. All my purchases are based on how much money the developers can get at the end. I buy games on store/launcher even if I don't like them, but if more bucks goes to developer, that's where I choose to buy. That's the important part, we buy stuff to support the developer we like/love, not to support the "platform" selling them.