
joined 22 hours ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

lol what is there to investigate this is pretty thoroughly documented situation. Maybe next they will start investigating ET

[–] [email protected] 2 points 14 hours ago

Am I crazy for thinking that this will be fine? Most people here in Europe have some experience or at the very least an understanding of the unbelievable destruction our continent has gone through in the last 100 years. I am in Finland and my country was basically a developing country until the 1980s frankly. We have gone through depression periods in recent history as a continent at various points.

You need to really nuke things for us to not have some optimism to recover. I do not feel that for Americans. I used to live in the USA for close to a decade, and what I noticed is that a lot of Americans have gotten so full of themselves, figuratively unable to close their belts from greed that a disruption to the over consumption is going to cause significant chaos.

I am more worried for the average American about what will happen when the iPhone is no longer affordable and we get into a serious financial depression that Americans haven't experienced for a century.

[–] [email protected] 138 points 21 hours ago (11 children)

It's insane to me that somehow free speech has been successfully twisted into a dog whistle to basically just spread disinformation, actively call for extermination of minority groups and openly attack and threaten other people. That shit is not free speech those are malicious actions - and they should absolutely not be tolerated under some vague guise of free speech.