
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Ding ding ding

Streaming is the new cable, just more expensive now. Each platform is like a bundle of TV channels.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I like to walk around with a open bathrobe, hope no one walks in.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I used this guide for a nvidia shield to de-bloat the OS. You may be able to follow the de-bloat instructions here for any other android device.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago (3 children)

When I go for a bike ride with my SO we always ride side by side on streets that have a posted limit at or below 40kmh.

We usually only ride side by side on residential streets. Occasionally we get someone driving too close to us when passing or shouting out their windows saying single file in the same way.

Its like going for a walk, we would not walk in a single file, neither would we sit in a car in single file.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

Its creepy as hell when you are having a conversation with your SO in the car about [insert random products here], and then in about a hour when you open your phones or laptops at home you are bombarded with ads for said product's.

This happeneds all the time. Try talking about getting a new top load washing machine and mention it three times within ten minutes. Or try talking about getting a new lawnmower, but the trick is to say it three times within ten minutes or so.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Its like the planet is trying to heal it's self by making it harder for use to travel and burn fossil fuels.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Comes down to personal preferences really. Personally I have been running truenas since the freebsd days and its always been on bare metal. There would be no reason you could not virtualize it, and I have seen it done.

I do run a pfsense virtualized on my proxmox VM machine. It runs great once I figured out all the hardware pass through settings. I do the same with GPU pass through for a retro gaming machine on the same proxmox machine.

The only thing I dont like is that when you reboot your proxmox machine the PCI devices dont retain their mapping ids. So a PCI NIC card I have in the machine causes the pfsense machine not to start.

The one thing to take into account with Unraid vs TrueNAS is the difference between how they do RAID. Unraid always drives of different sizes in its setup, but it does not provide the same redundancy as TrueNAS. Truenas requires disk be the same size inside a vdev, but you can have multiple vdevs in one large pool. One vdev can be 5 drives of 10tb and the other vdev can be 5 drives of 2tb. You can always swap any drive in truenas with a larger drive, but it will only be as big as the smallest disk in the vdev.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Intel Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz with 16gb ram 165TB of storage. Motherboard is a Asus Delux 10+ years old. And a 10gb NIC. All inside a fractal Design XL case.

The hardware is by all means not top of the line, but you dont need much for a NAS.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

I personally run truenas on a standalone system to act as my NAS network wide. It never goes offline and is up near 24/7 except when I need to pull a dead drive.

Unraid is my go to right now for self hosting as its learning curve for docker containers is fairly easy. I find I reboot the system from time to time so its not something I use for a daily NAS solution.

Proxmox I run as well on a standalone system. This is my go to for VM instances. Really easy to spin up any OS I would need for any purpose. I run things like home assistant for example on this machine. And its uptime is 24/7.

Each operating system has its advantages, and all three could potentially do the same things. Though I do find a containered approche prevents long periods of downtime if one system goes offline.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

Maybe just in terms of their electronics, such as updates and extended services.

I do wonder if things like heated seat subscription in EV's and ICE car's will keep functioning after the company disappears.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Police said emergency crews were called to the intersection of Frederick Street and King Street East shortly after 9:30 a.m. on June 1 after receiving reports of a crash involving a streetcar.

While it remains unclear what caused the collision, police say the driver of the vehicle involved was taken to hospital with serious injuries, while two people on the streetcar were also injured.

In an update, police said a 62-year-old man was charged with careless driving under the Highway Traffic Act.


Campaigners have called for “mini Holland” walking and cycling schemes to be introduced in towns across Britain after the first London pilot scheme produced dramatic results.

London’s pioneering “mini Holland” low traffic neighbourhood is “synonymous with the changes that need to happen around the world”, according to the capital’s walking and cycling commissioner.


Check out the full list of what staples accepts now part of their expanded recycling programs.

More companies should start to follow staples lead and offer return points for packaging and products that reach their end of life.


Check out the full list of what staples accepts now part of their expanded recycling programs.

More companies should start to follow staples lead and offer return points for packaging and products that reach their end of life.


The GTA has been showing signs of the urban ills that are commonly associated with city life south the border.

Downtown infrastructure has been deteriorating, as have cleanliness and order, which were once the city’s strong suits.

In Ontario, growth has shifted to lower-cost places like Kitchener-Waterloo (110 kilometres from downtown Toronto), as well as Guelph (95 km), Peterborough (140 km) and London (195 km). Even long declining areas, like the Maritimes, have been gaining population in recent years.

Clearly a new approach is merited. Leaders in Toronto have to accept dispersion and find the city’s niche within a wider range of settlements. Downtowns themselves, as Calgary’s urban leadership now suggests, will have to morph from primarily business centres to places more oriented to housing, academic and cultural activities.

To be sure, swank high-rise projects may appeal to the wealthy and the childless. But the urban future lies in places that are walkable but not hyper-dense and can attract middle-income families.


I downloaded a BDMV folder that should be a copy of a six disk box set. All the files seem to be numbered with .#.ext in them. All the files came in one root folder.

Once I organized this into a streams/playlist/clip/meta folders by file type and feed it into makemkv I can only see disk one.

There are also 12 index files called index, index.1 index.2 and so on.

How do I rearrange this to see disk 2-6?

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