No. You still need to use a phone number to create an account. The proposed feature lets you pick a username so that you can have people contact you via the username, and you won't have to tell people what your phone number is. You would be able to change your username at any time, and usernames all have a random two-digit number suffix.
What if a compile job takes a long time? Would that be a good reason to context switch?
No, It's called X now. Elon willed it so, and I'm happy to oblige. Posts are called X-cretions (or X-crement, if they are shitposts).
Mozilla is in the process of implementing passkeys in Firefox. This page tracks the status of various implementations of passkeys.
What a pathetic excuse. You know what's at the other end of a USB-A cable? A USB-B connector that didn't have the symmetry problem. Also, Firewire existed around the same time (in fact, slightly earlier) and didn't have the symmetry problem.
There's zero chance that Google / YouTube don't already know about the Vinegar Safari extension for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.
Be sure to pronounce the "x" as in Chinese pinyin.
Completely private messaging with accounts that have no ties to real-world identities would open the doors to spam and all kinds of abuse.