Thanks, got a new term today.
You're no fun, orange turnip was merely an example of a bad actor getting control (going Reagan would be confusingly amusing) and it's not about anyone in particular, more so the entire worlds' dirty laundry out to dry
Thanks mate, keep it up, much kek :)
Yup, call the virtue signalling bitches out, open weights is fine, which is not to say I don't appreciate local LLMs being given out, even if it's just for the free research on their models, but open source it is not.
Well, anything over a non-continuous x for example off the top of my head (and, yes for well-defined forms you can do the integral), still I have no idea what the cartoonist is on about and haven't heard 'anti-derivative' for a donkey's age, guess it's poorly defined grade school stuff.
And everyone thinks about real time implications, what about historical ? Seems pretty likely that the NSA has been storing an appreciable fraction of the internet for a long damn while. Come Q-Day that all gets opened and searchable. What would Trump do ?
It’s my headcannon, but I give Gandalf points for forcing the fighter jet into a helicopter arena.
Or, in the Homerian fashion, 'It's Funny Coz It's True', really not in some cases, but laughter may help some people cope. Agreed. I also hate prattfall comedy for similar reasons, empathy, self-reflection, rational fear, those things...