What I never quite understand/know is where internet based services land. If I run a cloud based storage company / web design company or such, the servers are on my personal property and therefore should be considered allowed. Where does that start becoming non "personal."
It's like charging someone to park their ideas/data on my personal property. Which I imagine would be considered private property instead. Where is the nuanced line?
Anyone care to explain?
I have worked for companies that have rules stating no logos/brand names could be noticeable. So a black pair of shoes that had a Nike check on it would be considered unacceptable. I always worried the dickies emblem on my work pants might cause issue. White socks were an issue which since you are wearing long pants and shoes... shouldn't even be noticeable. All tattoos had to be covered, no facial hair allowed, and no piercings. Hair color must be a natural color.
I think the concept behind BLM is good, but I would have never thought wearing a mask with their logo on it would be allowable work attire.