
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Okay I didn't watch the video until looking at your link and saw the whole "he started saying migrant wrong" bullshit and was like, "okay maybe that is what happened.". No, this dude straight throws a hard r n word out casually, unmistakable as anything else.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

Like I said you're either a troll or a bot, but either way you definitely aren't making any sense. When I read an article about something completely unrelated it doesn't make something else more real. Because that's madness.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Yeah ... No that's not true at all. It's crazy that you even believe that. I mean, I don't think you do, I think you're a troll with an agenda because believing that is insane.

The only gaslighting going on is by the MAGA folks and QAnon conspiracy crowd. The reasonable people understand this is made up bullshit. Fuck even JD Vance just said it's made up.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

I'm educated enough to know you're either deep in a hole of disinformation / misinformation or on Russia's side. We learned that appeasement doesn't work with Nazi Germany and other examples, Russia being the latest.

If you know of the history and issues of Russia and Ukraine then you'd know they're intrinsically linked to the USA and "Western" interests going pretty far back. Plus lots of trade flows through Ukraine and they export a ton of food - it's important to lots of innocent people who are also impacted by the war even if it's not by blood loss. The costs in lives is too high but also the costs in material, in trust, in future cooperation between nations has been eroded by Putin's actions.

I can believe that because I think Putin doesn't necessarily want to start WW3. But he has indicated that it wouldn't have stopped him as well

You can't have it both ways. It's either he would or would not have. I think recent history has shown the exact opposite of what you claim Putin indicated. Nobody has invaded a NATO country because it works. That's why the reaction from Finland and Sweden to this Russian invasion was to join NATO after so many years of not being a part of it even bordering the USSR. They know Putin won't dare attack a member of that alliance. Clearly neutrality did not work when it came to Ukraine. Nor did appeasement, we're paying for not being tougher in 2016 but the time between then and 2022 was spent strengthening Ukraine's military precisely to stop the next occurrence of a Russian attack.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I'm not saying I have better insight about that war, but from my understanding, Ukraine shouldn't join NATO

Well it's a good thing that from the understanding of the people who make the choices you're in the wrong.

I think it should be readily obvious why the USA should defend a country against an act of aggression. For one thing, violating international boundaries and seizing land through war ought to be punished. The precedent should be set that doing so brings about international rebuke and strong consequences. For another, the USA made a security guarantee to Ukraine when they gave up their nuclear weapons. We should make good on it.

Ukraine joining NATO would have prevented this war. Russia isn't going to war with a country in NATO - just look at the Baltic states. They joined NATO to protect against a possible Russian aggression just like what's happening now in Ukraine. That worked. It would have worked for Ukraine and it's part of why I believe Putin pulled the trigger on this before Ukraine was in NATO.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Fascism and Marxism are very clearly defined and I assure you the government / USA establishment is about as far from Marxist as you can get.

Unless I missed the part where we all own the means of production and aren't wage slave proletarians.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

The social security agency is the same thing here. SSN is the same as your rijksregisternummer but don't take my word for it.


It's literally an identification number assigned at by the federal government to identify you - usually you get them at birth but not always. Depends on your parents I suppose.
