Every time I see Marko release a new song or feature in a new project I'm thankful that his retirement was short lived. It's clear that after his break he's managed to find joy in music again, and the world is all the richer for it. I'm hoping he's got a new album in the works.
It's live on my Pixel Fold. UK here.
Not really sure I see the point in the lens controls. Does it change the way the pictures are processed, or does it just remove the ability to "zoom" between the lenses?
Dragging myself through Dune 7 and 8 by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson was one of the most miserable reading experiences of my life...so I think I'll pass on a show based on one of their spin offs.
This. Once a week I leave the razor to soak briefly in hot soapy water while I give my brush a bit of a clean, then I come back to it and give it a once over with a toothbrush. It's shiny and clean and ready for the week ahead.
Another vote from me for out and almond milk. If you do any kind of milk steaming or latte art then oat is great for that...and I just like the flavour of almond milk. It's really nice with breakfast cereals too as it adds a nice nutty flavour to everything.
There is nothing wrong with Soy milk, but with coffee you have to be careful you don't curdle it due to the high temperature.
When cleaning I unscrew the top section and use the provided brush to clean the burrs and push any grounds out into the collection bin. I did wipe the part where the two sections meet with a dry paper towel as there were a few grounds, so I may have removed some of the lubrication.
I quite like this one from the Coffee Chronicler. It's heavily inspired by Tetsu's recipe but cuts out the temperature drop and makes it easier for those mornings when you want to make good coffee when you're still half asleep.
It's 20g of coffee, 160g of water with the switch open, let it drain until 45 seconds, close he switch, add another 160g of water, let it steep until the 2 minutes mark, open the switch and let it drain.
It's not as smoot and sweet as Tetsu's, but it's still a great and easy recipe I use often. I hope you enjoy! Looking forward to seeing what other recipes are posted.
“It was a tough decision, because as a character, you see basically half the population loves him, and half the population has a different feeling of him. And we didn’t want to only cater to one side.”
So...you catered to only one side...the wrong one.
Why not just include a Froggy toggle?